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Weekend Security Reading Round up Links - 10/5/07

What's hot in Microsoft security: White lists; Blue hats

A discussion on Symantec’s proposal to whitelist everything on a Windows box as well as a summary of Microsoft’s Bluehat

10 Microsoft Security Links to Blow Your Mind

Pretty self explanatory, no? :)

More eyeballs for .Net Framework code

Our own Eugene Siu talks about Microsoft’s decision to open up the .NET framework for review by developers under a shared source license

ASP.NET File Upload: How to prevent network clogging

Varun from ACE has posted a great little post developers accepting file uploads should take a look at

ARCast.TV - Security Chat from Slovenia

Channel 9 has a great video conversation on security recorded in Slovenia earlier in the year but just now posted up

Silverlight Security Series

Shawn Farkas has a great series of posts on Silverlight security starting from part I, then going on to part II and finally, part III! And of course, the obligatory cheatsheet as well :)

Updated: Removed some of the HTML gunk, oops.
