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Podcast: Should I think about design or is clear communication enough?

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When you create a document or a presentation, is the information all that’s important? Is it worth spending time to make it look nicer, when there’s already barely enough time to finish? The answer may surprise you! Although probably not. And there isn’t really an answer that covers every situation. But still, it’s something you should think about and it makes an interesting discussion.

Listen to the episode
Duration: 21:26
Size: 14.7 MB

Some resources we used in this episode:

Before and After Graphics for Business by John McWade (publisher’s site)

The Non-Designer’s Design Book by Robin Williams (publisher’s site)

Does Design Matter? on the Speaking about Presenting blog

For articles about using visuals effectively and other topics, free downloads, and more information, visit Office Online at


  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2009
    I find when training people, the thing to focus on is getting them to understand the concept through use of visuals - simple scenarios etc and a bit of humour always helps!