hhh comic series - week 18 day 7
Go behind the scenes with Seagate! What does Steve recall from the dot-com era that could embarrass Toad? Read Steve's email.
Brought to you by Microsoft and Seagate. Explore the ultimate action adventure from Seagate........starring you as the hero. Do you have a story idea? Submit it {here}.
June 12, 2008
I read this everyday. I actually enjoy it.Anonymous
June 12, 2008
How about a small tear for the US IT support staff who are trying to support their families after their jobs were outsourced to India!Anonymous
June 12, 2008
But that would be against everything equality is for!Anonymous
June 13, 2008
Another intelligent respones on the issue. Just what does equality men, the service is sure not equal and the salaries are not.