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Are you a household hero?

I have attended many different events this year and talked to lots of people about Windows Home Server. It has been both exciting and rewarding as I get to share my knowledge and hear other people’s stories about their use of Windows Home Server.

Windows Home Server fills a gap that has been missing in my home and it’s something I love. I often joke that I don’t really know whether I am playing or working … How many people get to travel the world talking about something they love and use? It’s like show and tell, oh and I get paid to do it. As Windows Home Server is becoming a part of homes around the world, we hear stories about how Windows Home Server has become a virtual hero for the household. Or more importantly, made the person that installed Windows Home Server a hero in their home.

I really love hearing these stories, so I created a thread in the Community Forums so I can get paid to read all of your great stories. If you are like me and interested in reading some of these stories - check it out ...

JB (aka Joel Burt)