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Q: Aren't C++ pointers alone enough to "handle" GC? A: No.

A few days ago on ,
Nicola Musatti wrote:

As for GC, pure implementations exist.

\[that add no new extensions to ISO C++\]  

Not for a pure definition of "pure," they don't. :-)

To explain why C++ pointers are insufficient (unless their semantics were to be changed
at least a little, which would mean breaking existing code), consider two counterexamples:

1. Not for a compacting GC. Certainly a bald pointer can't point directly to an object
that moves around in memory, because C++ pointers are required to be stable, to always
have the same value while pointing to the same object. Changing the semantics of a
pointer to make it track will break lots of code, starting with set<T*> ,
because such tracking pointers cannot be ordered (their values will after all be changed
arbitrarily at unpredictable times by the GC). There are also other restrictions,
but that's one of the most noticeable. [Aside: Such a tracking pointerlike abstraction
is needed, and is provided in C++/CLI. It just can't be spelled * without
fundamentally scuttling ISO C++ conformance, is all.]

2. Not for a non-compacting GC, either. This case can be got a lot closer, but even
Great Circle / Boehm style collectors impose restrictions that break some conforming
C++ programs. In particular, they restrict, if only slightly, the operations that
Standard C++ allows on pointers. Consider the following well-formed ISO C++ program
with well-defined semantics:

  int* pi = new int(42); // line 1

  pi = (int*)((int)pi ^ 0xaaaaaaaa);

  // ... do other work ...

  pi = (int*)((int)pi ^ 0xaaaaaaaa);

  cout << *pi; // perfectly ok, prints "42",
won't crash

  delete pi; // ok

Add-on GCs can't see such disguised pointers, and are liable to reclaim the memory
allocated in line 1 before its later use, resulting in an attempt to access freed
memory. Boom.

This isn't perverse or theoretical, by the way. Consider "two-way pointers" as
one example of a well-known implementation technique where two pointers are XOR'd
together like this for a perfectly reasonable and legal use. In particular, a motivation
behind two-way pointers is that you can have a more space-efficient doubly linked
list if you store only one (not two) pointer's worth of storage in each node. But
how can the list still be traversable in both directions? The idea is that each node
stores, not a pointer to one other node, but a pointer to the previous node XOR'd
with a pointer to the next node. To traverse the list in either direction, at each
node you get a pointer to the next node by simply XORing the current node's two-way
pointer value with the address of the last node you visited, which yields the address
of the next node you want to visit. For more details, see:

  "Running Circles Round You, Logically"

  by Steve Dewhurst

  C/C++ Users Journal (20, 6), June 2002

I don't think the article is available online, alas, but Steve's website has some source
code demonstrating the technique

This perfectly standards-conforming and useful technique won't work correctly with
any GC implementation I know of that does not extend the language so that pointers
can retain their full standard meaning.

Steve's technique works perfectly fine and unbroken, however, under C++/CLI. It works
because C++/CLI preserves exactly the full semantics of * pointers
without any limitations. To do so, C++/CLI needed to add a new abstraction for GC
semantics instead of pretending that raw pointers are by themselves a complete solution
for safe use in a GC environment (they aren't, only because they were never designed
to be).

For more about the design motivations behind the ^ declarator (aka
a "handle"), see also Brandon Bray's excellent blog entry Behind
the Design: Handles
posted earlier today.


  • Anonymous
    November 17, 2003
    To point 1 I have no comments to make. Handles a la Macintosh are something very different from pointers and their introduction into the language would require a new syntax.As to point 2 I'm aware that gc's could benefit from modifications to the standard, but for add on libraries such as the Boehm collector I believe there's nothing wrong in imposing conditions on the use of the data it handles.I don't find it any different than makeing sure you don't use iterators after performing invalidating operations.
  • Anonymous
    November 18, 2003
    A minor niggle.The XOR trick as shown above isn't standards conforming as far as I can tell - the intermediate value is not a valid pointer and so invokes undefined behavior, in particular it could trap on some hardware.Reading Steve's code as linked above shows the hoops he jumps through to avoid this - the xored pointer is stored as a 'hopefully large enough' integer and only converted to a pointer when it would be a valid one.But the main point about hidden pointers not being visible to a GC is not affected by this.
  • Anonymous
    November 20, 2003
    I see we agree, and those are good points. It's reasonable for users to opt into using third-party GC products if they know and agree that it could restrict them to programming in a subset of standard C++ (possibly only a very slight subset).C++/CLI, which falls under point 1 in any case, had to meet a stricter compatibility constraint, namely total compatibility with all currently standards-conforming or popular pointer programming styles.One interesting consequence of this is that existing programs that make exotic uses of the native heap and of pointers continue to work unchanged -- including programs that use the Boehm collector or other collectors to manage the native heap. That's by design, and I think it's cool.
  • Anonymous
    July 21, 2004
  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2009
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