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Azure CSP Documentation released

I'm glad to announce that Azure CSP documentation was published today as a part of Azure technical documentation. It is accessible using vanity URL: or using a full URL:

Azure CSP documentation provides answers to the most popular partner questions about Azure specifics in Cloud Solution Partner model, including:

  1. Which Azure services are available (and not available) in CSP
  2. How to move existing Azure EA customers to CSP
  3. How Azure partner experience looks like inside Partner Center (with videos)
  4. How customer support of Azure customers in CSP should look like
  5. How Azure billing works in CSP etc.

 Also Azure CSP documentation provides details about 50 integration scenarios with UI screenshots and code examples on PowerShell, C# and REST API. It should helpful for CSP partners, that are looking for guidance how to integrate existing apps and services with Azure in CSP.

There is a comment section in the bottom of every page in the documentation. So you are able to provide feedback and ask additional questions directly on documentation pages.