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Uninstalling IE7 Beta Releases

We’ve noticed questions/comments/confusion about uninstalling IE7 so I wanted to highlight one of our FAQs and add a little more detail.

Uninstalling IE7 will leave you with a fully-functional IE6 and allow you to install the latest release, IE7 Beta 3, which we recommend for all IE7 beta users so they benefit from the latest bug fixes and security updates.

To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2, Beta 2 Preview, or Beta 1:

  • Click "Start", and then click "Control Panel"
  • Click "Add or Remove Programs"
  • Scroll down to "Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2" or "Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview", select it, and then click "Change/Remove".
  • If not found, check "Show Updates" at the top of the dialog box, scroll down the list to "Windows XP - Software Updates", select "Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview" or "Internet Explorer 7 Beta 1" and then click "Change/Remove".

To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3:

  • Click “Start,” and then click “Control Panel.”
  • Click “Add or Remove Programs.”
  • Scroll down to "Windows Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3", select it, and then click "Change/Remove".

If you still can’t uninstall, read on…

Note: %windir% is your Windows directory and usually located at C:Windows

  • “I can’t find any IE7 entry in Add/Remove Programs. What should I do?”
    • You can run the uninstaller directly using the commands below.  Each is for a different beta release so only one will work. Note that to see these folders, you need ‘view hidden folders’ enabled.

IE 7 Release

Uninstall Command

Beta 3


Beta 2


Beta 2 Preview from March


Beta 2 Preview from January


Beta 1


  • “I don’t have those folders (%windir%$NtUninstallie7-----$ or %windir%ie7beta3).  What now?”
    • Open %windir%ie7*.log (not ie7*_main.log) and look for a line something like this:
                  time_stamp: CreateUninstall = 1,Directory = C:WINDOWS$NtUninstallie7-----$
    • If found, the uninstall folder was created but later deleted.
      • Please tell us what happened. Did you delete it to free disk space? Do you run a tool that might delete it? Something else? We know there are some cleaner tools that remove the uninstall directory. We’re working with the vendors to have their tools updated and we changed our directory name in Beta 3 to prevent this problem in the future.
      • Call product support (1-866-876-4926)
    • If you have a line like this:
                  time_stamp: CreateUninstall = 0…

      • Please tell us right away. Did you reinstall Beta 3 or is this in a Beta 2 log?
      • Call product support (1-866-876-4926)
  • "I'm told I need to be the same user to uninstall but I am the same user."
    • Add this key to the registry:

      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

      [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet Explorer]

      Alternatively, you can take the indented section above, paste it into a text file, and save it as a .reg file. Run the .reg file and then try uninstalling.

  • “I get a warning about other programs that may not work after removing IE7. What’s the warning all about?”
    • The dialog contains a list of programs that may not work after uninstalling IE7.  The purpose is to prevent out-of-order uninstall of related programs. If a dependent program is left on the system without its prerequisite, it may stop functioning, require reinstallation, or even cause your system to stop working properly if it is an OS component. The details of this are described in KB 823836.

      While this warning is important, especially if for some reason you’re uninstalling security updates or hotfixes, I want to clarify that the programs listed are everything you've installed since installing IE7.  The uninstaller doesn't have a way to detect what updates are actually related so it lists everything.  That's why an unrelated application like Windows Live Messenger may appear in the list depending on the installation order.

Thanks for trying IE7 and please continue to report your problems and file bugs by following these instructions

John Hrvatin
Program Manager