Super-scaling SQL Server (1 day)
Cost - €799 or €599 for registrations received on or before October 5th 2012
This course is not for the faint-hearted…. In fact you could describe it as performance tuning on steroids. In one intense day, Thomas will take participants beyond indexes to the next steps in optimising the performance of their SQL Servers. It aims to take you beyond best practices, below the surface into the realm of measurement and KNOWLEDGE about why your implementation works or doesn’t.
Formerly of the SQL CAT Team, Thomas is now CTO of Fusion IO. Building multi-terabyte- sized data warehouses, setting up OLTP systems for extreme scale and tuning world record data movement speed are some of Thomas’ recent achievements.
The course is level 400+ and targets the sweet spot between designing for performance and maintaining performance and is therefore relevant to Architects, Developers and DBAs alike, and as for Consultants… you will be guaranteed a brand new power-tool in the tool box
January 01, 2003
Good One.Anonymous
November 17, 2012
You have posted really nice info about that,I have never heard about before this. Thanks,