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WebCast Reminder: Developing Rich Client and Browser Forms

I want to thank those of you who attended last week’s WebCast. It was a big success.  Tomorrow, we’ll be holding our second WebCast about InfoPath 2007. I hope you will be able to attend.


Developing, Deploying, and Hosting Rich Client and Browser Forms for Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007

Time: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (PST)

Presenter: Pradeep Rasam, Program Manager - InfoPath


Were you aware that you can design Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 forms for both the rich client and the browser in a single step? This webcast presents the design-once process for InfoPath 2007, and covers debugging, deployment, and improving the performance and scalability of forms. Find out how to host the InfoPath rich client in other applications, and how to tightly integrate InfoPath 2007 forms into Web pages. We also discuss best practices for using the hosted form control to build powerful but easy-to-use solutions.


- Scott
