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Upcoming Palnet Event

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Palnet will be hosting a very interesting discussion around performance based pay in schools with guest speaker Dr. Tom Hoerr from St. Louis, USA. This interesting and perhaps controversial topic is sure to be of interest to principals and leaders who believe that innovation is not replacing a blackboard with a whiteboard. Innovation is about taking a risk and looking at practices across different industry sectors as well as developing new approaches to certain practices. While the very concept may be quite alien to many in the education world, there are surely some lessons to be learned from such 'experiments.'

Palnet events are built around pre and post session Q&A discussions so get involved in the discussion before Wednesday morning. Remember, you must join Palnet to attend these online events and discussions so join up here.

Event Details:

Presenter:Dr. Tom Hoerr

Title:Does Performance Pay Work? A real-life example

Date:3 May 2012

Time:8:00am (SA Time)                                                               Timezone Convertor

Event Type:Online Webinar                           Setup instructions for first time users

Forum: Session Q&A

Does Performance Pay Work?

A real life example with Dr. Thomas Hoerr of New City School in St. Louis, Missouri USA

Palnet Event guest speaker, Dr. Tom Hoerr is the head of New City School in St. Louis USA which New City School is one of very few schools in the country to use a performance-based pay plan for teachers.

Teachers are evaluated in five key areas:

  • Knowledge of subject matter
  • Knowledge of child development and the learning process
  • Rapport and enthusiasm with students
  • Presentation skills and
  • Professionalism and collegiality.

New City School is a charter school which aims to develop

  • Academic Excellence
  • Personal Intelligence
  • Diversity beyond Numbers
  • Joyful Learning

A forum titled ‘Dr. Tom Hoerr’ has been established allowing for participants to post questions/directions for Tom ahead of the scheduled live event.

To view, read or print all of the documentation supporting this webinar please visit Palnet Events at this link: