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Home Owners, Death and other Associations

Can we go nuts?

One of the comments I got on my original INOUN post was, "so we can't go nuts?" Well, absolutely, watching people who are completely nuts is sometimes pretty funny. But, just remember, "it's all fun and games until someone brings a briefcase." Which is why, sadly and unfortunately I can't just allow any "oil" random fence post. I "kine dough" like my job. But I do also enjoy fun. So make it fun, push the limits, but only as long as we can all play in the sandbox nicely two gather. And I get two keep my job.

I will especially like anything that helps teach and improve learning around words and search. And let me be very clear "hear". At some point, somewhere, and somehow brown now cow, I will offend some "one". It won't be on porpoise mind you, because that is not really in my nature, but it will happen. Only, because we play a lot of little words games around here. And a lot of them associate words together that are just plane (more on this later) and simple going to off end someone. And this goes for copyrights and disclaimers as well. This is my own work. Not of any employer that I worked for, now work four, or will work 4. Or if I accidentally forget to """ some thin car rectally. I APPOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW! And I reserve the right to correct it, retract it, or even make fun "off it if" I knead two. 

Which is why I like the comment in the first place. Going nuts. Ever wonder where that term came from? As near as I can tell, the "nut" part is based on our heads being hard on the outside, with all of that goopey, gooey, "good" stuff on the inside. Kind of like a cartoon I saw once. "Crunchy on the outside..." All very interesting plays on words. And specifically what this particular post is "a boot".

By now, if you have been playing any attention at all, we have all been following the path of associations and how that affects search. Not as in Home Owners Associations (well, not directly anyway), but as in how words Ty 2 gather. What is it that makes these associations in our heads? Ino!, you guessed it, it's clock for an Inoun example!

I tahw'd I saw something really cool the other day that I wanted to share "hear". In my line of work, I travel a lot, I mean I travel a tonne. And one of the things that has always struck me as funny was the acronym LAX. What a cool acronym! I guess they couldn't figure out how to come up with a TLA out of LA, so they did the Xerox thing and added a bunch of X's because names with X's in them were cool. I always heard that this was a true story, but until someone comments on it here, we may never really know. Well, about Xerox anyway. Don't know about LA or why they added the X.

I personally believe that every single solitary one of us, inside that nut we call a noggin, associates things in our heads differently. And because of this, a lot of weird things happen. So back to my example. Warning: I am now going to create an association in your head that you will never ever be able to get rid of.

In the grocery store the other day, I saw a product called, "Miralax". What a great name! A miracle laxative. And, you guessed it, you have just made the association. Oh, the miracle of Inoun flying into LAX. I can just hear it now, "What a 'smooth' flight we had into LAX.

Smooth move Inoun.