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Home Owners, Death, Taxes and Other Associations: part 2

I knew I was in trouble. A lot of trouble. And I just knew it. You know how you get that really sick feeling in the pit of your stomach? And it aches. You absolutely just know you are in for a big, bad ride. And the worst part is that you just don't know when.

When we purchased our second house, after signing, the mortgage company handed me a book. No, it wasn't a welcome packet, but the oh so clever rule book for the home owners association we just "signed up" for. So being an Engineer, I read the whole thing. Cover to cover.

Wow! I had no idea that we had just moved into a dictator run, dictatorship owned, enemy of the state, country. It was amazing to me how quickly I signed over our family's rights for a little "protection" and a huge loss of liberty. And now I was stuck paying "protection" money every month. And, in a nut shell (remember go nuts?), they would break both knee caps if I didn't conform to "The Manual." And I am not exaggerating here! It was well over 300 some odd pages of "rules" that, when (not if) I broke any of them, I would lose my home, and my right to own property. And I had just "signed up" for it! Fore, closure, "FREEEEEE.....?"

So rather than "bore" you with all of the gory, bloody details, because this is a very, very long story, for another day, and this is a family blog you know....

Basically, nuts as I am, I got the're goat in the end. I did this by installing a satellite dish where all of my neighbors would see and would stare at it when they 8 dinner. You see, every major home owners association has tried to fight the Federal Communications Commission(FCC) on this one and has failed. And they knew it. And it really, really annoyed them. From then on, they tried, time and time again, to "get even" on anything I did. But to their dismay, they failed.

Eventually, I took my new found $100K in equity, and bought a house in a country (i.e. state) where I was "allowed" to be a good neighbor and get along with everyone(Have I ever told you that repressed people donate less to charity?) And where everyone cares for, helps each other, and works together. We even borrow each other's sugar, butter and lawn mowers. The difference in this new neighborhood is astounding. And it didn't require a "rule" book (did you catch the double meaning? Rule as in ruling class). But the best part of the story is that although "The Dish" is not being used anymore, O so many, many years later, it is still there.

"So Inoun what does this have to do with search?" Well, I am glad you asked.

Apparently, there are a tonne, ton, tun of people that loved my last article on Home Owners, Death and Associations (you do realize that I work with search right? I just had to figure it out why.) And the cool thing was that this is exactly the kind of story and example I have been looking/waiting for. You C, we have been talking about associations (words that is) and how it affects search results (well, in this case, I guess both kinds do). Or should I say its "effect" on search results? And this one affected a whole, hole bunch of things. The trick was that I stumbled upon something that really gets/got people going, that people routinely search for, where a ton of word associations were being "maid" by people, and it also happened around the same time frame that I posted my first post and it freaked out oh so many, many SEO, reality TV, news going individuals (how's that for an insanely hard to read sentence? That one was fun, and I oh so love it. Well, because, it really annoys people like my High School english teacher.) Perfect! Not the sentence, but the following example.

The most interesting nugget I found was that President Obama recently "suggested" that the home owners mortage interest tax deduction be removed (this sentence translates to German quite nicely. Not really, but funny anyway.). In other words, people could not claim the interest that they currently pay on their houses as a tax deduction any more. And this purposefully, perfectly floated lead loaded balloon freaked a tonne O people out. And, as it turns out, there are also a bunch (or bushel) of people that really don't like home owners associations. And as it turns out again/also, there are a whole "boat load" of political meanderings and tax distractions being attempted right now around "death by taxes" and "taxes for the dead", by a few small minded, uninformed, psychologically challenged, political yahoo's who continue to entertain us with their self inflicted desire to commit seppuku(hari-kari) on their very own political careers, as we comically watch them on the reality television(TV) known by so many as FOX and CNN (now that sentence was pure gold. "Rock On" English majors).

My point, is that "buy" using these words together, I was able to double the amount of people who actually "red" my blog post. And they even liked it.

So because this is just the perfect kind of spearmint, I just could not pass it up, the engineer in me just had to see if it would happen again.


P.S.  Can you figure out which words in this article will change my search results ranking?

P.P.S.  Also, remember, I write a lot of fiction based on fact.