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Scam, Scams, Fat Burning Furnace, and other SEO diputs stupid companies

[ed. Click I was able to beat them at their own game by writing just one article. Unfortunately, other terms will have to wait.]

Want to know how to detect a scam? Any scam? Well, probably someone you may not want to do business with anyway. It's simple. They always over do it. Always. They just can't resist. Take (please) the brain dead stupid folks, Rob Poulus (if that is even his real name), at Fat Burning Furnace (I have no idea if that is even a real product), way, way over the top toidi's. They have purchased so many domains, probably broken I don't know how many laws (who knows, I am not an attorney, instead, I actually pretend to think.... BID), that I can't even begin to cover everything they have done in this tiny, little, backwards, fat boy, tasty, tree in the back woods, with no one around to hear it, blog. But alas, since I am only an engineer, I will try:

First. If you were to do a search in Bing, just saying, for let's say something really stupid like, "Fat Burning Furnace", you will quickly figure out that every single result you get back invariably leads you back to the same conclusion. "Buy the Fat Burning Furnance Now!" "Don't wait" And it doesn't matter where you start. On which link you start. If you start reading, "it's a scam!", any review, click on any ad, read "the real thing", the site, testimonials, or any of a number of other "things". They all lead you back to the same place. "Spend money with us because, well, it works!" One link I clicked on took me to "Oprah", "because she is such a respected source about such things, BID." But the page said absolutely nothing about "Fat Burning". They didn't even use those terms. Let alone anything about some magical fairy land furnace.

Second. None of the sites are "real". They don't have any, real, in depth content. Simply put, they are all just lipstick on a pig. If you drill down into them, they don't take you anywhere, except back to, "Buy the Fat Burning Furnace Now!". "Buy me quick, before you really figure it out, and realize you actually do figure for a smart person with a not so bad figure."

Third. They eventually do something that is either illegal or at a minimum disingenuous or unethical. For example, go do a search on Bing for "is a company who is willing to put up a short or mid-term" (or of course you could click on that there link). What you will notice is that there are only a few web pages on the Internet that use that exact phrase. What you will also notice is that our stupid diputs folks (or their associates) have stolen the content from someone else and replaced the word "loan" with the words Fat Burning Furnace. Basically, they "stole", probably copyrighted material, and substituted their own text in. In this particular case, the word loan. And since much of my blog is about humor, I thought you might like this following phrase quoted right off of their associates associated page:

"Simply put, a fat burning furnace shark (although most do not call themselves that) is a company who is willing to put up a short or mid-term fat burning furnace for people who need the cash right away."

I would say so! I would love to have a fat burning furnace that gives me cash! How about a fat burning furnace shark. That is such a cool idea! That is exactly what these guys are! It's too bad they associated their fat burning furnace with the word shark. As in loan shark. Or any other kind of shark. Pretty comical that these shark loving fat burning furnance scum would actually make such a juvenile, monumentally dumb mistake like that. Associating themselves with sharks. Which, alas is what I am beginning to fear, is exactly what these guys are.

Probably worse.

Probably nothing less than, stupid, smelly burned fat, fat head, beaned in the head, bean counting, should be burned, fat, loan shark loving attorneys.

That don't yet not know how to not right write.


  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2011
    thanks for posting this Btw, I've came across with stuff that relate to this topic in this site [ed.  <snip> ] a lot of help. go on and visit it. [ed.  Sorry, I am not going to allow you to link from Inoun to further your personal interest, whatever that may be, and use the improvements in learning and teaching search SEO we have created on this site around the scam of the Fat Burning Furnace scam.  Feel free to post or comment  however.  I have a general policy of always approving them.  But I do reserve the right to <edit> them.  It's all part of the SEO Inoun search games.]

  • Anonymous
    November 05, 2011
    Fat Burning Furnace - Introduction Thе number of participants, аnd children and adults, suffer frοm whο hаѕ Obesity has reached epidemic proportions. Moreover, the problems associated wіth thе thе obvious overweight people thеѕе аrе аt аn fοr increased risk of stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure аnd οr.Thеrе аrе literally hundreds, thousands іf nοt οf different programs available thаt promise tο hеlр fаѕt lose weight. A program differs from other frοm thе.Thіѕ article wіll аnd аt seems to offer thе Fаt burning in the oven. Mass treatment Thе аnd thе industry diet aimed at weight loss іѕ thаt thе іn selling products industry executives know аrе thе safety and health to fail.Aftеr аll, anyone really loses weight іf thеѕе thе additional companies doing business wουld bе οf. Incinerator capacity Fаt Thе works bу thаt thе food ѕhοwіng trigger a burning body fаt tο сеrtаіn whіlе аll satisfaction of desires.Аррrοасh Thіѕ works much better thаn tο try to self starvation. Starvation diets аrе tο always doomed to failure. Even іf who manage to lose weight tο ѕοmе, іt іѕ nοt thаt bе guaranteed fаt аnd tο thе chance thаt аll іѕ lost аrе οf high wіll bе thаt weight recovered quickly, more ѕοmе.It аlѕο introduced a new type of training oriented іѕ thаt οf nеw tο produce high-energy metabolism аnd thе increase without the need tο the bοrіng cardio routines thаt really dο nοt аѕ provide promised.Customers аrе self taught hοw tο gеt a tight, stomach, sealless tο dο аll those crunches, sit ups, abdominal exercises οr οthеr. Fiery furnace Thе Fаt іѕ nοt lіkе аnу οthеr diet οr a workout wіll lіkеlу find οn thе internet οr elsewhere.And 'іѕ nοt іn bу аnd сrеаtеd someone thе diet weight loss industry. Thаt іѕ іn thе іtѕ first thing on behalf of the creators іn thе hаνе аѕ thе interest lies with the success of treating customers rаthеr thаn іn coupling thеm οn ѕοmе οr supplement machine promises much bυt thаt offers lіttlе and for the Fat Burning Furnace. ..snip..(I am not about to let you artificially increase your ranking) to updated and read more about proper healthy diet.

    • Anonymous
      May 13, 2016
      Clearly this is some kind of autobot nonsense generated comment. What they are trying to do is get commonly used diet related phrases to point back to their site. Among other things. But I am going to leave it here just to show how evil this kind of thing is. I did remove the links back to their link farm though... :-)