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First of the XNA Day Videos Posted!

Back in November, Dublin was host to an event called the XNA Game Studio Tour.  It was a full day jam-packed with superb XNA experts talking about the upcoming XNA Game Studio 2.0 release, showing off features and real-life examples of XNA applications and games.

Liam (pictured below in the video) was kind enough to pass along videos of the event so that we could share it with more people, as the presenters were all quite good!  I took some time this week and turned them into Silverlight applications, and I'll be uploading them over the next few days.

The first presenter is Charles Cox.  Charles is one of the most enthusiastic and dedicated speakers I have ever seen, and he does a great job showing off some of the brand-new networking features in GS 2.0.  Enjoy!!

Technorati Tags: XNA Game Studio 2.0,XNA,Microsoft,Video Game Development