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Live Mesh Comes to Ireland

image I’ve blogged a bit before about Live Mesh and how cool it is.  Up until now it has been available as a Tech Preview only in the USA, the UK, Australia and New Zealand. 

Today I’m pleased to announce that Live Mesh is now available in Ireland.  Ireland, along with India and Canada, joins the expanding list of countries with Live Mesh availability, as shown imagein this map on Virtual Earth. 

If you’re not yet convinced about the Live Mesh platforms, there are some great videos on Channel 9 to help explain it.  Just search for “Live Mesh”on Channel 9.  The Live Mesh team also has a great blog with lots of information about the platform and its capabilities.  Try it out, and definitely let me know your feedback.

I should mention that my sources say because it’s a Tech Preview, there is still a limit to how many users can be admitted to the program.  But if you sign up fast, you won’t have to worry about any delays or wait lists for access to Live Mesh.

Okay, how do I sign up?

To get signed up for Live Mesh, go to to get started.

Any online video content I can check out?

There are several video resources for further information.  Check out:

Cross posted from Martha's Blog
