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Mix '08 Registration Open!

Registration is open for Mix 2008 in Las Vegas from March 5th - March 7th at the Venetian: 

If you register by January 15th, you can get an early bird discounted price of $1095, saving $200 of the regular price.  Mix sold out early for 2007, so don't hesitate to sign up for this year!

Keynote speakers are already listed and include Steve Ballmer, Scott Guthrie and Guy Kawasaki!

To stay up-to-date on Mix announcements and developments, subscribe to the RSS feeds here: Subscribe via RSS.  On the new visitmix site there is also a link to the new weekly podcast called The Signal, which will give information on behind-the-scenes activity and excitement. 


Technorati Tags: Mix08 , Microsoft

Cross posted from Martha's Blog