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Live Framework Tools January CTP

The Live Framework Tools are for Visual Studio and make it very easy to build, upload and debug Mesh-enabled Web Apps in the Live Desktop in the cloud.  On Friday the team did a new drop of the tools which is called the Live Framework Tools January CTP. 

To download and do anything useful with the tools you need to sign up for Live Framework CTP Token – Lynn has a great post on how to do this.

Here’s the info on what’s included in the new drop:


Live Framework Tools January CTP

The Live Framework Tools team is pleased to announce the January CTP update. This update contains a number of fixes. Please see below for details. And as always, thank you for using Live Framework.

New in this release

The Live Framework Tools January CTP includes a number of bug fixes.  A few of the most notable fixes are listed below:

  • Debugging or running a Mesh-enabled Web Application which contains no changes from previous versions immediately launches the application instead of re-uploading the files.
  • Mesh-enabled Web Applications created by the Live Framework Tools now have identical offers to those created through the Azure Services Developer Portal, which are generally less restrictive.  This change removes the need for the workaround mentioned in this thread.
  • Projects created by the Live Framework Tools may now contain periods fixing the issue reported in this bug.
  • Changes to the application's logo.png file will now be reflected in the icon that appears on the Live Desktop fixing the issue reported in this thread.
  • Error messages and diagnostics have been improved.  In certain error situations additional information can now be located in the application event log.

In addition to the fixes listed above, the January CTP includes a feature that will offer to notify you of any future updates to the Live Framework Tools.
