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Now Hiring - Technical Evangelists for Orcas and IIS7

I have two open positions on my team for Technical Evangelists.   These are awesome opportunities that involve working with the latest technologies (such as Orcas and beyond), working with some of the smartest people in the industry, and impacting major initiatives at Microsoft.   


If you are interested in either of these positions, please contact me through this blog.


Technical Evangelist for Visual Studio "Orcas" and the .NET Framework 3.5

Are you a big-picture thinker who’s passionate about developer tools? Would you love the opportunity to become deeply involved with the next version of Visual Studio, code-named “Orcas?” If so, you might be the right person to fill our opening for a Technical Evangelist!

We’re looking for a candidate who’s excited about working with Microsoft’s partners and early adopters, delivering wins for our developer platform and tools. As a Technical Evangelist for Visual Studio “Orcas,” you’ll work closely with customers that are both adopting and extending our tools.


Specific responsibilities of the position include:

  • Build samples, demos, and presentations to help developers understand what "Orcas" is and how it can be used to address a variety of scenarios
  • Work with product teams, product managers, and other evangelists to identify and engage with partners and vendors 
  • Manage vendor accounts according to evangelism goals to drive adoption of Microsoft technologies 
  • Research and distill analysis regarding specific technologies and industries and solicit feedback from the broader developer community 
  • Prototype and code with the latest platform technologies 
  • Work closely with Microsoft product teams to understand, distill, analyze, and influence platform technologies and tools 
  • Develop and execute on-strategy around competitive developer tools and languages 
  • Participate actively in the developer community through blogs, newsletters, videos, and events

Technical Evangelist for IIS7

Are you passionate about building and running web sites? Are you excited about Internet Information Server 7 (IIS7)? If so then you might be the right person to be the IIS Technical Evangelist. As a Technical Evangelist in the Developer & Platform Evangelism (DPE) group you will have the opportunity to work with a key emerging technology, become a recognized IIS expert, and influence the adoption of Microsoft’s web server platform. You will work on a team with other evangelist that are accomplished authors, speakers, and recognized experts in the industry.


Specific responsibilities of the position include:

  • Work closely with the IIS7 product group to build samples, demos, presentations, and other resources to help developers understand how to extend and take advantage of IIS7.
  • Share resources and interact with the community through key events such as Mix and TechEd, through blogs, Channel9,, and other community channels.
  • Provide guidance and resources to the Microsoft DPE field organization to help them work with their partners and customers who are adopting IIS7.
  • Deliver presentations at key events such as TechEd and for specific partners or customers
  • Drive the adoption of IIS7 with key ISVs that are building web sites and services
  • Participate as a virtual product team member to provide feedback into the IIS product group based on partner and customer scenarios


  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    I will be there and I'll try to leave my mark. ;) I will be there all week taking in a few sessions and

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2007
    There are a few positions open in my group. My manager (James Conard) has posted some info here . These

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2007
    James in the team is looking for a couple of special people who would lead the effort to evanglise Orcas

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2007
    James posted in his blog an exciting new opportunity I can't pass up talking about: IIS Evangelist .

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2007
    My team is on the hunt for two new evangelists: one for Visual Studio and the other for IIS7. You can

  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2007
    My boss, James, has a post on his blog about two positions that are open on our team. One focuses on

  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2007
    It's great fun being an evangelist. 3 years ago I would have attended a TechEd talk about ".net end to