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Will Poole on CNET

bio_poole[1]CNET ran a nice interview with Will Poole today. It was based on a series of meetings we did down in the Bay Area a few weeks ago. Will is one of the VPs who runs the Unlimited Potential Group here at Microsoft.

The interview includes a video clip of our MultiPoint technology, which is designed to let multiple kids share a computer in a classroom setting for schools that cannot afford a single PC for every student.

He also landed a nice quote that summarizes so much of our approach to doing incubations with local partners around the world:

When I started looking at this about five years ago, I thought that affordability was the biggest challenge. It turns out that affordability is actually the third on the list of issues. The first one turns out to be relevance.

If you want to learn more about what we are doing here in UPG, you should check out the article.