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Get Safe Online

My two boys are growing up fast and as a consequence are using the computer more and more. I think I am a responsible parent who is pretty Internet and security savvy and ensure they are exposed to an Internet Environment that I monitor and control. However not everyone is as I.T. Literate plus also I realise as they grow up they are not going to want Mum dictating their every move.

So I am really supporting the following campaign

going_online_theme Get Safe Online is the UK’s first national internet security awareness campaign, founded in 2005. is a joint initiative between the Government, the Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA), Microsoft, and other private sector sponsors from the worlds of technology, retail and finance.

The initiative aims to help individuals and micro-businesses to protect themselves against internet security risks by raising awareness of the need for internet security and providing information, advice and updates through its website

This November sees the third annual Get Safe Online Internet Safety Awareness Week, and, as in previous years, a road show will be touring the country visiting six UK cities from Bristol to Edinburgh. To find out more about activities in your area, please visit the Get Safe Online website
