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WebKit based Browser now available on Windows Mobile via TorchMobile


A day doesn’t seem to go by without a new browser showdown or release but Vik pinged me about this development from TorchMobile and their Iris Browser which was really interesting.  The Iris Browser is based on the Webkit rendering engine which if you aren’t familiar with is an open source application framework that provides a foundation upon which to build a web browser.

WebKit was originally derived from the Konqueror browser’s KHTML software library by Apple, Inc. for use as the engine of Mac OS X’s Safari web browser, and has now been further developed by Apple, Nokia, Google and others.

The framework is now used by Omniweb, Shiira, iCab, Adobe AIR, mobile phones (including the iPhone), Nokia’s Series 60 browser, and Google’s Android platform.

You can download the browser and get more details from HERE
