Windows Mobile Smackdown @ Tech-Ed
Each year at our internal technical conferences (Dangerous) Dan Arildson and myself have delivered a session called the Windows Mobile Smackdown.
We even recorded a video through Channel 8 of our antics at last one which got published earlier this year.
The Smackdown is a session where we show cool applications and solutions for Windows Mobile. It is all Live demos - no safety nets.
We got asked to do the same session at Tech-Ed US this year and Dan and I hit 21 of 21 demos all live - no failures!
A number of people who attended the session asked for a list of the demos we showed and they are listed below:
- Celio Redfly - - A cool PDA Extender
- Windows Mobile 6.1 -
- Zumobi - - a great new interface for Windows Mobile
- Windows Live Search - - a fantastic application that gives you maps, directions and local information!
- Communicator Mobile - - an excellent client for accessing your corporate OCS IM and presence infrastructure
- OneNote Mobile - - this application allows you to synchronise your OneNote Notebook to your device and create/edit new notes on your device
- Slingbox - - access your TV from anywhere in the world on your device
- Business Card Scanner - - take pictures of business cards and then OCR them straight into your contacts
- Cellfire - - grab a bargain or ten!
- Internet Sharing - (In Windows Mobile) - use your Windows Mobile device as a data modem
- Tiny Twitter - - access your twitter account and tweet from your device
- Team Calendar - - Want to get access to colleagues schedules or diaries on your device?
- MSN Direct - - stay up to date with news/stock information
- Mobile Football Euro 2008 -
- Dashwire - - sync your device to a web service and access all your content online
- WiFi Router - - use your Windows Mobile device as a Wi-Fi Router
- Snap2Face - Access your Facebook photos and even upload new photos too
- Windows SideShow - - use your Windows Mobile device as a sideshow device
- Windows Live - - access your Hotmail, Live Messenger and upload to your space!
- Qik - - upload videos from your device straight to Qik
- Guitar Hero 3 - - Rock out to GH3 - now all we need is a Bluetooth mini guitar!
June 12, 2008
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June 12, 2008
Great post. I'm @ TechEd and it says that the session is repeated 6/13, but I cannot find at what time and in what room?Anonymous
June 12, 2008
Ah, I found it. I thought you were the presenter on that one too... :)Anonymous
June 12, 2008
This week I found a few extremely cool things I wanted to share: DeepEarth With their own words: “DeepEarthAnonymous
June 16, 2008
Didn't make Tech-Ed this year, so unfortunately missed your session. Any feedback on how the session went? What solutions went over well with the crowd?Anonymous
June 16, 2008
I've been following Jason Langridge's blog for some time now, and it was great to get to finallyAnonymous
June 19, 2008
Ken - Devicewire of course ;)Anonymous
June 27, 2008
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