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Matusow's Blog

Comments on the software industry.

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XML Formats Technical Interest

For those of you with interest in the tech side of the XML-based file format discussion, I'd...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 05/17/2006

Commercial Intent

A point I have made often in my blog over the past year and a half is about the commercial...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 05/16/2006

Customer Demand

I know that Tim Bray has recently suggested that I am in la la land and spewing various forms of...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 05/15/2006

Open Format Ecosystems

Part 2 in the series: Ecosystems Based On Open Formats Another important issue that keeps surfacing...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 05/14/2006

Interesting Article

A good editorial from the San Jose Mercury News. San Jose Mercury News Too much tech regulation...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 05/11/2006

Interoperability - Four Points

Part 1 in the series: Interoperability Let's start with the real issue at hand - interoperability....

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 05/11/2006

On The Road Again

Next week I will be on the road talking to editors, analysts, and leading thinkers in the industry...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 03/10/2006

Product Competition Driving File Format Debate

In the past few days, the rhetoric on both sides of the file format debate seems to have heated up....

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 03/09/2006

Standards Panel at OSBC

Back to blogging. Too easy to get wrapped up in work and home and not put in the time for the blog....

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 02/23/2006

Windows Template Library 7.5 Release

This is from my old world in Shared Source. Great news from Nenad Stefanovic, the project lead for...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 12/09/2005


I have been partaking in an academic-style event on standards here in Vancouver B.C. this week. So...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 12/07/2005

Standards 101

After almost 15 years in the software business and 10+ at Microsoft I have worked on numerous...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 12/05/2005

And Now, For My Next Act....

Years ago, it was suggested that there was a civil war in Microsoft based on open source. There...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 12/02/2005

Office Docs and Open

Today Microsoft announced the intent to submit the Office "12" XML file formats to Ecma...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 11/21/2005


Updated the post - the link to the pictures at the end should be fixed. (That's what you get for...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 11/13/2005

Wild World of Slashdot

My OSBC keynote seems to have kicked off an interesting discussion on Slashdot. Overall the...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 11/08/2005

New Shared Source Release - MBS Solomon

Once again my friend Matt Asay is putting on a strong show at OSBC East. The OSBC conferences have...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 11/02/2005

New Shared Source Releases

In conjunction with the news today about the licenses - we are also announcing the availability of 8...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 10/19/2005

Shared Source Licensing

UPDATE - I'm adding some good blog discussions below based on this news. Open source licenses are...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 10/19/2005

Windows Template Library

The project leader for the Windows Template Library project up on SourceForge dropped me a note the...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 10/18/2005

JBoss and Microsoft - Competitive Interop

A solid piece of work has been put into motion today by Microsoft and JBoss. Competitive...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 09/27/2005

Monster Blackberry

You have to be a resident of Oregon to understand true mania for berries. I know the Swedes love...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 09/21/2005

The Role of the OSI

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols expressed his desire to see fewer OSI-approved licenses a couple of days...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 09/15/2005

Micrix, or is it Micrux?

Bill Thompson, a technology analyst for the BBC, has an intelligent and entertaining column, and I...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 09/14/2005

OSS and Integration...again

Stephen O'Grady posted a great response to my earlier posting on integration issues for OSS...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 09/08/2005

Mambo Jumbo - OSS Community vs. Commercial

Here is the article that got me thinking today. The community of devs working on Mambo have split...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 09/02/2005

Back In The Blog Chair

Summer has been hard on my blogging. The sun seems to draw me away from my laptop and onto my...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 09/01/2005

ASP.NET 2.0 Providers Toolkit

So it has been a long while since I last blogged. I have been buried under a project and am just now...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 08/02/2005

Shared Source Licenses and Commercial Intent

In his comment to my last posting Wesley Parish pointed out something worth talking about. "One...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 06/06/2005

Shared Source - More Dev Toys

There are groups all over Microsoft that are posting source for interesting little bits and pieces....

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 06/02/2005

Innovation As A Cure For The Dilemma

Last week I hosted the guys from Redmonk, Stephen OGrady and James Governor. Other than noting...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 05/27/2005

Bluetooth Wrapper

During my blogging hiatus in May there was a cool release from our embedded folks. Here is the...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 05/26/2005

WiX - heading towards 150K

Kudos to Rob Mensching and his great Shared Source project, Windows Installer XML - otherwise known...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 05/26/2005

Visual Basic Power Pack - Shared Source Licensed Stuff

Here is the Visual Basic Power Pack which consists of seven custom controls written in Visual Basic...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 05/24/2005

Microsoft Developer Powertoys - Shared Source Licensed Stuff

I've been meaning to blog this for a while. Josh Ledgard has been doing some great work with the...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 05/24/2005

Shared Source - Microsoft Research Downloads

I recently became aware of a bunch of Shared Source licensed projects that are available through...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 04/25/2005

Availability and Ownership

I’m on the road in Asia this week and am having some great conversations about source licensing...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 04/25/2005

Open Source Testing: The Next Fad

Last week I spent two very worthwhile days in San Francisco at the Open Source Business Conference....

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 04/12/2005

IronPython Q and A

Over the past week there have been a few common questions about the IronPython Shared Source license...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 04/05/2005

IronPython - response to comments

I've had a few inquiries on the relationship of IronPython to Mono. Technically, IronPython is...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 03/28/2005


At PyCon (a conference for Python developers) last week, Microsoft made an announcement regarding...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 03/28/2005

Shared Source Programs and EU Member States

In Eastern Europe today, we announced the expansion of the Windows and Windows CE Premium Shared...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 03/21/2005

Shared Source - More than Windows.

Thanks for the feedback on the first posting with meat on the bones. I’m moderating the comments in...

Author: jasonmatusow Date: 03/14/2005

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