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jaybaz [MS] WebLog

We believe in nothing.

Parting words for dear friends

I have a few thoughts that I'd like to express about Microsoft's software development before I go....

Date: 11/09/2007


Today is my last day at Microsoft. This morning I bike to work & shower. There's a lunch out...

Date: 11/09/2007

How to make a bootable USB flash drive

This can be useful with Windows Home Server in a number of ways. - If you are building your own WHS...

Date: 10/24/2007

My Windows Home Server

I built my own Windows Home Server box. You can buy some decent pre-built units, but I wanted to...

Date: 10/17/2007

Windows Home Server on a virtual machine

Here at Microsoft, when we talk about Windows Home Server, one of the things that comes up pretty...

Date: 10/17/2007

Screenshot of Select-GraphicalFilteredObject.ps1 in action

A picture would be helpful in understanding what this script does. dir $pshome |...

Date: 09/12/2007

Powshell GUI for selecting objects in a pipeline ("Select-GraphiphicalFilteredObject.ps1")

This is an enhanced version of a script from Lee Holmes' book Windows PowerShell Cookbook...

Date: 09/12/2007

Domain-Specific Languages

I'm quite attracted by the idea of domain-specific languages, but so far I haven't found a...

Date: 06/19/2007

PowerShell polyglot

Here's an example of a CMD script that is implemented in PowerShell. @@:: This prolog allows a...

Date: 04/26/2007

Is Virtual Memory dead?

To figure out whether virtual memory makes sense, you have to look at the following factors: RAM...

Date: 04/19/2007

A formula for a home platform

In Picking a home PC platform I described my requirements for my ideal home PC platform. I've put...

Date: 03/28/2007

Picking a home PC platform

In my home, I a bunch of computers. ENVY - used by everyone, has the best CPU, RAM, video card,...

Date: 03/12/2007

properties vs. fields... again

Eric Gunnerson just posted Properties vs public fields redux... It's no secret that I agree with...

Date: 02/08/2007

Controlling Virtual Server through Microsoft PowerShell

In his post by the same name, Ben describe a series of steps required in order to manipulate Virtual...

Date: 01/22/2007

export environment variables from CMD to PowerShell

If you want to use PowerShell, but already have a CMD script that you want to keep, and that CMD...

Date: 01/17/2007

random debugger tip: catching COM exceptions

I was cleaning out some old mail and came across this tip. You can tell it was a long time ago,...

Date: 01/17/2007

Microsoft PowerShell is awesome

At work I've been playing with Windows PowerShell. I could try to describe it, but Wikipedia has...

Date: 01/12/2007

The next Accidental Difficulty in software

First, go read this article by Joel: Book Review: Beyond Java. He mentions this list, of great...

Date: 10/13/2006

Finding the correct source

From a previous comment: > A copy of the source tree that exactly matches that test VS. Why IDE...

Date: 08/21/2006

new job

Quiet here, huh? Been busy, including a 12 week parental leave. Now that I've been back at work a...

Date: 05/11/2006

Transition time

We're at the point in the process for VS2005 where there is basically no work left for devs to do....

Date: 10/20/2005

Farewell, C# IDE

After a few years working on the C# IDE, I have moved to a new job. I am now the development lead...

Date: 10/04/2005

Are we ready to ship VS?

There was an interesting Ladybug issue suggesting that we release a Beta 3 & slip VS 2005. This...

Date: 08/17/2005

C# chats coming up

11 August: C# language. 25 August: C# IDE. (This is what my team does) See the C# chat page for more...

Date: 08/05/2005

The new Shiproom

For Whdibey Beta 2, I took on a new responsibility, called the "shiproom" role. There's a couple...

Date: 08/05/2005

Instant Messaging silliness

Kevin was working from his home on Mercer island this afternoon. We were using Microsoft Office...

Date: 08/02/2005

A simple Set collection

In a Microsoft internal discussion, someone asked for Set functionality in a collection. I threw...

Date: 05/26/2005

Weekly P1 ZBB

We've started a new-to-us practice around here: The weekly P1 ZBB. Each bug in our bug database gets...

Date: 05/13/2005

Performance of the C# editor

Beta 2 & go-live I hope you have had a chance to download Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 ("Whidbey"). We...

Date: 04/27/2005


There was some discussion here about the book Slack. For months I have haven't had any time to...

Date: 04/19/2005

Google Desktop Search size

I flattened my desktop machine last week, reinstalling all the software again. Google Desktop Search...

Date: 04/11/2005

Pocket PC Phone

I got a hand-me-down Pocket PC Phone from Kartik. (Thanks Kartik!). It's the HTC Wallaby (aka O2...

Date: 04/06/2005

What Snew?

In What I'm doing these days I mentioned all the stuff I was doing beyond being a dev lead. I was...

Date: 04/06/2005

Ferments are personal

Updated "What I'm Reading" in the sidebar. I'm playing with various fermented foods, but I'm keeping...

Date: 04/06/2005

Cutting "crashdump" support from the Visual Studio Debugger

Scott writes about the proposal to cut crashdump support. Let him know what you think. Personally, I...

Date: 01/31/2005

What I'm doing these days

Gee, this blog has been pretty quiet. Why? Could I have lost interest in the connection with all the...

Date: 01/28/2005

Thoughts on bit fields.

In C there is a long tradition of using bit fields to store a collection of boolean values: enum {...

Date: 01/11/2005

Performance of 'for' vs. 'foreach'

I saw someone ask if 'for' or 'foreach' is faster. I was surprised. My code is often slow when I...

Date: 12/23/2004

New job opening in C#

We just got a new position opened in the C# team. It has been open all week, but we finally got all...

Date: 12/17/2004

Moderation enabled

Spammers have been hitting heavily in the last few days. I've enabled "moderation" which means your...

Date: 12/15/2004

What if Garbage Collection was like Garbage Collection?

Every Thursday morning at 6:00am, the garbage truck stops in front of your house. A scruffy man in...

Date: 12/03/2004

Updated: jobs on the C# team

We continue to hire in to the C# team. Here's the list of currently open positions:...

Date: 12/02/2004

C# chat tomorrow

We're hosting a chat on the C# IDE tomorrow. See Scott's post for more info. Anything that affects...

Date: 12/01/2004

'switch' in C#

On Eric's blog, a discussion about 'switch' statements in C# & why they require 'break' inspired...

Date: 11/15/2004

Meet jbazuzi

Based on feedback I got in email & my post "What's appropriate for this blog?", I've decided to...

Date: 11/10/2004

Absolutely, positively, no Edit and Continue

See Soma's announcement. VS 2005 supports Edit and Continue for C#. You asked for it, again and...

Date: 10/15/2004
