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More Rosario specs available

While I hope many of you are now or soon to be actively using Visual Studio Team System 2008, we’re hard at work with developing our next release known as Rosario.  We’ve been publishing specs for some of the new features  and just refreshed the list updating or adding 7 specs bringing our full total to lucky 13.  Mario Rodriguez posted one on “Enterprise TFS Management” which he describes in greater detail on his blog.  As always, we post these to get your feedback which you can share on our spec feedback forum



  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2008
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2008
    Just checked the reports in FeedDemon, and I think it's only fair that if you haven't blogged

  • Anonymous
    May 05, 2008
    How come the Rosario UI recording/automation does not use UIAutomation? It seems like it is using MSAA apis directly. Any reason for that? MS has been pushing UIAutomation all along but seeing rosario not use it makes us doubt looking at it...

  • Anonymous
    May 18, 2008
    Sam - The record and payback engine is pluggable, in the current CTP we have 2 plug ins, the IE DOM and MSAA (there is also a low level hook fall back but its always there). We will be doing a UIA solution going fwds, in fact we have a prototype internally of this and a couple of other plug ins. We chose to do the MSAA plug in ahead of UIA primarily because of app prevalence, MSAA is widely used and supported today where as UIA is just starting to be used, by starting with MSAA we provde support for the broadest range of apps. However you are right that UIA is the way of the future in terms of platform and we will support it, in fact we work very closely with that team on design. Thanks, jeff