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Today was my last "normal" day at Microsoft. (That's with a grain of salt - an exceptional company has few normal days). Tomorrow I just have the exit interview early and then I will be unemployed for a few days. I wonder when I am officially not an employee any more?

In case you had not seen it, I got a new blog a while ago. The plan is to continue what I have been doing on this one over there. Right now, there are only a few posts in it, but that will change soon.

Leaving Microsoft, and particularly the great people I have worked with here will be hard. These have been great years and the company has made huge strides. I am really looking forward to Windows Vista. There are so many important behind-the-scenes security features and the changes to the development process are unlike anything the software industry has ever done; certainly unlike anything Microsoft was doing when I started.

Go forth and do good, and I will see you on the new blog, and maybe at some event in the future.
