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WPFPerf Performance Profiling Tools for WPF 4 is now available!

The WPFPerf tool comprises of a suite of performance profiling tools that allow you to analyze the run-time behavior of your WPF application and point to potential performance bottlenecks.
We finally release the version that also supports .NET Framework 4 (WPF 4).

This version of the tool (WPFPerf 4) will allow you to profile both WPF 3.5 SP1 and WPF 4 based applications.
The WPFPerf 4 tool is included with the Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 (Windows SDK 7.1). So you are welcome to download and send us your feedback.

By the way, the tool itself will run on machines with only .NET 3.5 SP1 or only .NET 4, if both are present it will use .NET 3.5 SP1.
Also, I am not sure how many people had a chance to look at the documentation that is installed with the tool , but we think it is very useful so don't forget to check it out.

Update (6/14/2010):
We heard that few folks complain that the Visual Profiler cannot correctly attach to the WPF application in the new WPFPerf for WPF 4.
After some research we think this has to do with a bug in our DateTime initialization which cause anyone in a time zone > GMT to not get any data in VisualProfiler (for a few hours at least).
Until we post a fix, a temporary workaround is to set your time zone > GMT ( Eastern or Pacific Standard Time Zones) when you first attach VisualProfiler.

Please try this workaround and let us know.

Update (8/24/2010):
A patch to that fixes the bug in Visual Profiler for certain time zones is now available.
See here.