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Methodologies at a Glance

Note: This article is updated at Agile Practices at a Glance.

I'm a fan of simple maps to help drill in. After all, it's hard to explore the concepts if you don’t know they exist, or you don’t know what they are called.  Below is a work in progress.  I’m making a quick, simple map of the key activities for a some software project-relevant processes.

I’m sure I’m missing key practices and some of the names have changed.  So I’m sharing it, so that folks can help share what they know, to get to a map that includes the right top level names of key practices.

Process Practices
  • Limit WIP (Work in Progress)
  • Measure the Lead Time
  • Visualize the workflow
  • Burndown Chart
  • Daily Scrum
  • Definition of Done
  • Estimation
  • Impediment Backlog
  • Product Backlog
  • Product Owner
  • Retrospective
  • Scrum Master
  • Scrum Team
  • Sprint
  • Sprint Backlog
  • Sprint Demo
  • Sprint Planning Meeting
  • Velocity
  • Coding Standard
  • Collective Code Ownership
  • Continuous Integration
  • On-Site Customer
  • Pair Programming
  • Planning Game
  • Refactoring
  • Simple Design
  • Small Releases
  • Sustainable Pace
  • System Metaphor
  • Test-Driven Development
MSF Agile Activities
  • Build a Product
  • Capture Project Vision
  • Close a Bug
  • Create a Quality of Service Requirement
  • Create a Scenario
  • Create a Solution Architecture
  • Fix a Bug
  • Guide Iteration
  • Guide Project
  • Implement a Development Task
  • Plan an Iteration
  • Test a Quality of Service Requirement
  • Test a Scenario
Artifacts (Work Products)
  • Architectural Prototypes
  • Bug Reports
  • Change Sets
  • Check In Notes
  • Classes
  • Development Tasks
  • Interface Models
  • Personas
  • Scenarios
  • Storyboards
  • System Architecture (See DSI and Whitehorse)
  • Test Plan (see Context-Driven Testing)
  • Test Cases
  • Unit Tests
  • Vision Statement
RUP Activities
  • Analyze Runtime Behavior (Implementer)
  • Architectural Analysis (Architect)
  • Assess viability of Architectural Proof-of-Concept (Architect)
  • Capsule Design (Capsule Designer)
  • Class Design (Designer)
  • Construct Architectural Proof-of-Concept (Architect)
  • Database Design (Database Designer)
  • Describe Distribution (Architect)
  • Describe the Run-time Architecture (Architect)
  • Design Testability (Designer)
  • Design the User-Interface (User-Interface Designer)
  • Develop Installation Artifacts (Implementer)
  • Elements (Designer)
  • Execute Developer Test (Implementer)
  • Identify Design Mechanisms (Architect)
  • Identify Design Elements (Architect)
  • Implement Design Elements (Implementer)
  • Implement Developer Test (Implementer)
  • Implement Testability Elements (Implementer)
  • Implementation Model (Software Architect)
  • Incorporate Existing Design Elements (Architect)
  • Integrate Subsystem (Integrator)
  • Integrate System (Integrator)
  • Plan Subsystem Integration (Integrator)
  • Plan System Integration (Integrator)
  • Prototype the User Interface (User-Interface Designer)
  • Review Code (Technical Reviewer)
  • Review the Architecture (Technical Reviewer)
  • Review the Design (Technical Reviewer)
  • Structure the (Software Architect)
  • Subsystem Design (Designer)
  • Use-Case Analysis (Designer)
  • Use-Case Design (Designer)
  • Analysis Class
  • Analysis Model
  • Architectural Proof-of-Concept
  • Build
  • Capsule
  • Data Model
  • Deployment Model
  • Design Class
  • Design Model
  • Design Package
  • Design Subsystem
  • Event
  • Implementation Element
  • Implementation Model
  • Implementation Subsystem
  • Integration Build Plan
  • Interface
  • Navigation Map
  • Protocol
  • Reference Architecture
  • Signal
  • Software Architecture Document
  • Test Design
  • Test Stub
  • Testability Class
  • Testability Element
  • Use-Case Realization
  • User-Interface Prototype