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Announcing SDK Update V5.0.14 for Polaris Update

Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK Version 5.0.14 is now live on MSDN downloads and in the MSDN library
Here’s some of the additions and updates you’ll find in this release:

Connect to Yammer
– New information about the capabilities for developers with Yammer integration.

Create Early Bound Entity Classes with the Code Generation Tool (CrmSvcUtil.exe)

– New information about using this tool with CRM Online and O365.

Prepare a Solution that is Backward Compatible with Earlier Releases of Microsoft Dynamics CRM
- Introduces the Solution Down-level Utility.

Understand the Data Context Passed to a Plug-In - Added new information about pre and post
images and about input\output parameters.

For a complete list of changes, see the Release History page.




John O'Donnell, Technical Evangelist, DPE
Microsoft Corporation