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Joe Stagner - Frustrated by Design !

Who me ? Opinionated ? :)

DevExpress cleans up with ASPnet Pro Magazine Readers Choice Awards.

This years Reader's Choice Awards conducted by ASPnet Pro Magazine showed some great appreciation...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/23/2008

5 Big Security Threats

Baseline Magazine [ Click HERE ] has outlined the 5 Big Security Threats that Anti-virus software...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/19/2008

Build a game, try to win some of $75,000 in prizes.

Today the XNA Team has launched Dream-Build-Play 2008. In Dream-Build-Play 2008 you can build your...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/19/2008

Light Up the Web: Microsoft Silverlight Streaming by Windows Live

Microsoft Silverlight Streaming offers free and inexpensive hosting services that make exposing your...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/19/2008

Why would you want to write your own WYSIWYG editor?

I recently had an email exchange with someone asking me about how to approach writing their own...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/18/2008

Scriptloader at SourceForge

OK you AJAX Masters ! Check out ScriptLoader ScriptLoader is a framework to manage your and...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/18/2008

Join us with a Blog on !

Want to join the bloggers at ? Just go here to read the terms of use....

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/16/2008

Mix Essentials South Africa - Change in Plans

I was supposed to leave on Wednesday for Mix Essentials South Africa next week. Unfortunately, my...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/16/2008

.NET Coding Guidelines

[ Subscribe to me at ] BradA referred me to some Internal Coding Guidelines hat I...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/12/2008

SplendedCRM - The Open Source ASP.NET CRM Product gets a new version.

Silverlight, AJAX and PDF Invoices Cement SplendidCRM as the Ideal CRM Platform for Companies that...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/11/2008

AJAX-style file uploader with progress indicator and uploaded files list.

This spring I did a series of 4 videos on File Uploading in ASP.NET. Here is the series ..... How Do...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/10/2008

PureComponents Ultimate Suite - $79

I LOVE component suites ! I regularly use web components from Infragistics, Telerik, ComponentOne,...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/08/2008

Aspiring Architect Series 2008

Last year we held a Web Cast series for aspiring architects that was attended by over 1200...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/08/2008

Free Silverlight Datagrid from DevExpress

The folks at DevExpress are releasing a FREE DataGrid for Silverlight. Here are come of the...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/08/2008

Are you Powered by ASP.NET 3.5 - Get Your Button !

Is your site powered by ASP.NET 3.5 ?? Grab a button and show your pride !...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/07/2008

Microsoft Web Deployment Tool Beta

The IIS team has released the Beta 1 (Go Live) release of the Microsoft Web Deployment Tool! The...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/07/2008

This is Not My Blog !

If you're reading this via RSS, did you know this is not my blog ? I cross post here but by REAL...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/07/2008

TechEd 2008 Developers Recap

I'm home from TechEd Developer 2008 (for a few days anyway.) I have to admin, I've been on the road...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 06/07/2008

Practice Your Japanese on my Blog

Thanks to the awesome folks at Microsoft Japan.... My blog will now be available in Japanese....

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/29/2008

Tool to convert your C# to VB and your VB to C#

Some time ago, my buddy Jesse posted about his new favorite utility. As a matter of policy, we...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/28/2008

TechEd 2008 - My presentations, come say hello !

WUX315 - PHP on Windows: Not an Oxymoron! Session Day/Time: 6/6/2008 10:15AM-11:30AM Room: S230 A Is...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/28/2008

Book: ASP.NET 3.5 AJAX Pocket Guide

ASP.NET 3.5 AJAX Pocket Guide by Matthew Ellis Read more about this book... Ok readers. Check out...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/27/2008

Free Visual Studio Plug-in to Format your Mark-Up !!

Daniel Crenna shared my frustration that Visual Studio drag-n-drop doesn't always leave our markup...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/24/2008

Intellisense for jQuery

I'm a jQuery Fan ! Lance Fisher has made an update to jQuery for Intellisense in Visual Studio 2008...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/16/2008

Code Snippets from DotNetSackers

The slackers are at it again ! Check out their growing collection of swipe-able code !...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/15/2008

.NET 3.5 Enhancements Training Kit

:) If this looks familiar, it's because a prematurely posted about this last week. (And I wasn't...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/14/2008

Announcing: Visual Studio extensions for SharePoint – Developer User Guide

Microsoft is pleased to announce the release of the User Guide, Samples and Walkthroughs for the...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/14/2008

Tutorials at -

Cool Name Huh ? Mustafa Basgun has created a pretty cool info site for ASP.NET Developers Click [...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/13/2008

Ajax Data Controls from DotNetSlackers

This looked interesting so I thought I would share it. Please let me know what you think..... From...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/12/2008

Add Custom JavaScript Intellisense

If you reference an ASP.NET page that contains a scriptmanager in your js file like below you get...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/12/2008

Build a Game in Silverlight and Win an XBOX 360 !

The folks at are running this cool content. ENTER BY THE 15th !! Description: The RIA...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/09/2008

Free Mind Mapping Application

Mindmapping tools can be great for flushing out design ideas. Here is a cool FREE Mind Mapping tool...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/08/2008

System.Net.Mail - Sending Email with .NET

Add this awesome FAQ by Dave Wanta to your bookmarks. All about Sending email in .NET 2.0 If you're...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/07/2008

ComputerWorld: Web 2.0 developers rank MSN/Live higher than Google, Yahoo and Facebook

May 5, 2008 (Computerworld) Web 2.0 software developers ranked Microsoft's MSN/Live Windows...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/06/2008

Get the .NET 3.5 Enhancements Training Kit

The .NET 3.5 Enhancements Training Kit covers the technologies in the .NET 3.5 SP1 release and the...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/06/2008

BOOK: ASP.NET Data Presentation Controls

Here is a GREAT quick read on ASP.NET Data Controls for you. ASP.NET Data Presentation Controls...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/05/2008

Replace your crummy boss.

I've has some good manager and I've had some really, um, bad managers. In my seven years at...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 05/01/2008

eWeek Says - Scott Guthrie the 28th most influential person in IT !

... or so says eWeek. [ HERE ] Scott is in fine company with 10 of the 100 most important (according...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 04/30/2008

Book: Murach's C# Updated for 2008

sIf you are an avid reader, like I am, then you know that different publishers tend to have...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 04/30/2008

BOOK: Microsoft AJAX Library Essentials

This is another one of those "Sniper Topics" that I like, again from PAKT Publishing....

Author: JoeStagner Date: 04/29/2008

Microsoft patterns & practices Web Client Software Factory 2.0

I know this isn't "hot off the press" but I'm just Microsoft patterns & practices Web Client...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 04/27/2008

The Developer's Guide to loosing 20 pounds in 8 days !

Nope, this is not an infomercial. I've been on the road for lots of this spring. For the last two...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 04/27/2008

ASPConnections Orlando - Dynamic Data & Listview Talks

Thanks to all who attended my ASP Connections Talks last Monday in Orlando. It's great to see the...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 04/27/2008

Microsoft Health & Life Sciences Event Presentations

Thanks to everyone who attended my AJAX Sessions at the Microsoft Health & Life Sciences...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 04/27/2008

BOOK: Advanced ASP.NET AJAX Server Controls: For .NET 3.5

I frequently am asked to server as a technical reviewer on development books. Time doesn't permit me...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 04/21/2008

Multiple UpdatePanels - Who caused the update ?

Does your client code need to know what control caused your update panels to update or which of...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 04/19/2008

2 New AJAX How-Do-I Videos Now Available

#71 | How To Dynamically Change CSS Using the ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel   #72 | How To...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 04/17/2008

FREE - Professional Developer and Designer tools and Windows Server for Students.

Look at the stuff students can download for FREE ! This program was announced in February but it...

Author: JoeStagner Date: 04/16/2008

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