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John McClelland's Blog

Insights, knowledge and announcements from your East Region Microsoft Architect Evangelist and Partner Advisor

CloudCamp is next week!

That’s right, March 10th, Cloud computing is something that is very top of mind for many...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 03/06/2009

Azure for Systems Integrators and Value-Added Partners

Tonight I’m working on a bit of homework for an internal pilot-class on Azure that I am...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/18/2009

East Region Learning Curve News 16Feb09

The most recent bi-weekly announcement of Partner Training Opportunities is out.  If you are...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/18/2009

Partner Training: Delivering Business Design Sessions to ISVs

  Webcast training for partners who are helping ISVs make the move to Software plus...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/17/2009

Are You Ready! Windows 7 Is Coming!

I came across this short list of URL’s to help partners and customers get ready for Windows 7. ...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/10/2009

The Learning Curve

  I often hear from partners that they often learn about a local partner training opportunity...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/06/2009

Partner Newsletter Highlights – 20Jan09

The Partner Newsletter is chockfull of good information for partner organizations.  Personally...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/04/2009

MDC Breakfast Briefing for Microsoft Application Development Partners

Time: 7:30am – 8:30am Location: At MDC events in Orlando, Atlanta, DC, NY and Boston Audience:...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 12/02/2008

The MSDN Developer Conference is coming…Are you ready?

The nature of software development is radically changing... Are you ready? Prepare yourself for a...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 11/07/2008

Live Services Jumpstart 2009 – Washington, DC, November 13th and 14th

Want to build traffic, drive user engagement and influence behavior through your Web applications?...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 11/03/2008

Limited Time Promotional Offer for CDS and ISV Competency Partners!

Custom Development and ISV partners are a critical factor in the overall success of Microsoft®...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 10/17/2008

IE8 Beta 2 Has Launched - Experience it Today

Today we launched in English, German, Simplified Chinese and Japanese, and  we will follow with...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 08/28/2008

Mark Your Calendar PDC Announcements Are Going To Be BIG!

This week I am attending Microsoft's internal technical readiness conference in Seattle, WA. ...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 07/30/2008

Worldwide Partner Conference - Highlights from Wednesday

Highlights from Wednesday Allison Watson kicked off Wednesday with product announcements and demos...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 07/10/2008

Worldwide Partner Conference - Highlights from Tuesday

Highlights from Tuesday Allison Watson kicked off the conference and invited Stephen Elop, Brad...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 07/09/2008

Latest SharePoint Development Resources to Support Top Partner Initiatives

In April and May I conducted a series of 7 Partner briefings across the East Region targeting the...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 06/11/2008

Exclusive Partner Training Opportunity - San Francisco, Jacksonville, Miami, Columbia (MD)

I was recently notified that a number of seats are available for the OnRamp training course titled...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 05/28/2008

May/June Northeast Roadshow for Developers and Architects

Bob Familiar, Jim O’Neil and Chris Bowen, Developer and Architect Evangelists in our New England...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 05/07/2008

ProDev Partner Briefing Update and Partner Resource Cheat Sheet

Over the past week I have traveled to New York City and Waltham, MA to deliver the first 2 ProDev...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 04/17/2008

Blog Series on Silverlight 2.0 Architecture and Development

A colleague of mine recently published a 3 part series on the architecture and development of Rich...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 04/04/2008

OnRamp Training for Partners - The Next Generation of Web Development on the Microsoft Platform

If you are not familiar with the OnRamp program, it is a 2-day instructor-led depth training course...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 04/04/2008

Coming to Atlantic City - Microsoft Health & Life Sciences Developer Conference

This event will offer developers, architects, technical and business decision makers in the...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 04/01/2008

Building an ALM Partner Practice

The following information, forwarded to me by a colleague (Thank You Tara Walker), provides...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 03/18/2008

MIX08 - Welcome to IE8 Beta1

I commented earlier today on a few IE8 features that were highlighted during the keynote session. I...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 03/05/2008

MIX08 The Next Web Now - Rock On

MIX08 is underway at the beautiful Venetian Hotel and Resort in Las Vegas and the buzz is in the air...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 03/05/2008

MIX08 - Internet Explorer 8 Unveiled

Internet Explorer 8 is the next version of Microsoft’s popular browser and in Beta 1 delivers...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 03/05/2008

Partner Developers Chomping at the Bit for Visual Studio 2008

With the recent launch of Visual Studio 2008 many developers within our Partner community are...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/28/2008

The New U.S. Partner Learning Center Debuts February 22

How often do you access the Microsoft Partner Portal? Do you even know your MSPP ID and, if so, have...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/21/2008

ProDev Partners-Only Briefing - US East Region

Innovation is a powerful force in our industry today. History has proven over and over that...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/18/2008

Tick-Tock Goes the MIX Clock

Time is running out and registration is almost at capacity so if you are still on the fence consider...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/14/2008

Looking to Find Qualified Talent - Students-To-Business May be Your Answer

We continue to hear from our partners that their #1 priority is finding and hiring qualified talent....

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/14/2008

Tis The Season For Partners on Facebook

The Holiday Season is upon us yet there is no rest for the wary at this busy time of year. Lately,...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 12/06/2007

Microsoft SOA & Business Process Conference - Oct. 29 - Nov 2, Redmond, WA

The 2007 Microsoft SOA & Business Process Conference is only six weeks away! During 4 days of...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 09/18/2007

Architect Roundtable – Microsoft Mobility Platform Overview

This is the first of the 4 series that my team will host in the coming months. This discussion will...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 09/10/2007

Missed MIX07? Then Join US For ReMIX07

ReMIX07 Boston – Monday-Tuesday, October 8-9, 2007 Brought to you by Microsoft® Whoever said that...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 09/07/2007

Partner Evangelist - That's Me!

We'll the summer months are now behind us and like the changing of season's soon too come, I want to...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 09/05/2007

Why use delayed signing

Sometimes I hear the question, why not just share the private key with the developer team in order...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 07/13/2007

Virtual Earth and Mappoint Web Services Development

There is certainly a lot of interest today in mapping technologies and services as developers look...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 06/21/2007

Architect council - Microsoft Mix 2007 Recap - June 27, 2007

FOR SOLUTION and ASPIRING ARCHITECTS INVITATION June ArcCouncil: Microsoft Mix 2007 Recap Date &...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 05/30/2007

Your Roadmap to a Service Oriented Architecture - Content Posted

In late March and early April, I along with several of my coworkers conducted a series of half-day...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 04/10/2007

Architect Council - Microsoft/SAP Interoperability


Author: John J McClelland Date: 03/19/2007

Just Released - Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Update for Windows Vista

On Monday, March 5th, we released the Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Update for Windows Vista. During the...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 03/07/2007

WPF Application Showcase - The possibilities are limitless

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for improving the...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/28/2007

Patterns & Practices Guidance Explorer

My most recent post on the Patterns & Practices (P&P) schedule was prompted by a question I...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/27/2007

Patterns & Practices: Schedule of Upcoming Releases

With each new release of the .NET framework I periodically receive inquiries about updates to the...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/27/2007

VB6 Runtime Support on Vista

I periodically hear concern and confusion about Microsoft's support for the VB6 runtime on Windows...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/20/2007

Web 2.0 arcCouncil content now available

Content from the most recent East Region Architect Council meeting on February 12th is now posted to...

Author: John J McClelland Date: 02/20/2007

What does Web 2.0 Mean to You? - Video

Click the Play button to view the 'What does Web 2.0 mean to you?' video.

Author: John J McClelland Date: 01/30/2007

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