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Now that we've RTM'd, what you can expect from the blog

As many of you probably heard, we RTM'd Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 and Windows RT yesterday.  In the event that you've been under a rock, you can read the release about RTM here:

Now that we have hit RTM and bits will soon be available for some of you, I wanted to give an update as to how things will occur here on the blog with regards to the changes in servicing.  First, I've taken a new role here at Microsoft and am no longer in support.  That means that I don't know how much time I will have for super regular posts, but I will do my best.  I really enjoy servicing and I like the little corner of the world I've built here, so I think I'll stay a while.  With that out of the way, some things I plan on talking about in the future here include the following, if you have other things you'd like to talk about, please post in the comments and we'll go from there:

  • Using Features on Demand to minimize image footprint
  • Feature and Role persistence when working with Features on Demand
  • Using In-Box corruption repair and how it's NOT CheckSUR
  • Determining offline capability of updates to make better decisions for future downtime planning

Those are a couple of things I have at the top of my mind for right now.  I'll start writing on them shortly after release. 
