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Looking for training?

One of the things that I spent a lot of today thinking about was the best way to provide training for VB developers - both those who are already using VB .NET and want to take it to the next level and those who are using VB6 and want to kick the tires on this .NET thing.  VB@TheMovies has been a tremendous hit with more than 200K page views so far. But there's a lot more that we want to do.

Do you want walkthroughs?  Samples?  FAQs?  A curriculum that takes you through certain training?

Videos?  Webcasts? Papers?  Book chapters?

Windows?  Web?   Mobile?  Office?

Obviously, we're going to do some of each of the above, but I'll conduct an extremely unscientific survey and see what you're looking for.  The more specific the suggestion, the better.

BTW, for all of you who mail me asking how you can get a free copy of VB to go play with:  Go check out VB @ The Movies.  Yup, we're giving away a free copy of VB .NET Standard if you watch and rate 5 movies.  (Sorry, this is in the US and Canada only)
