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moving along towards shipping

Just a quick post... we're meeting all our dates on our schedule, hooray. And we're on target for the WinFX Beta 1 documentation, tools and samples to be available for downloading on July 27th. Whoo hoo! We're also well along with getting the docs uploaded to That site has been getting a tremendous number of hits - 14,800 users have looked at an average of 8.17 pages, for an aggregate total of 126,500 total page hits - just between July 15th and 19th. It's unfortunate that it took so long to get site metrics for the WinFX site - another example of the complex cross-group collaboration I've been talking about - because I'm dying to see trends over longer periods of time. But these numbers speak for themselves in terms of the interest our users have in being able to look up WinFX content from our site. Cool!

We'd love to hear any thoughts on how any of this can be improved from your standpoint, dear readers.