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Junfeng Zhang's Musing

things about the world, world of things

Java 2007: The year in preview

This is an article on IBM web site preview what is coming in Java 7....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 03/04/2007

Sxstrace for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003

I have received question about availability of Sxstrace for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 03/02/2007

Native Image Loading

.Net framework Assembly Native Image is one of the biggest investments of CLR in .Net framework 2.0,...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 02/18/2007

How to tell if the current user is in administrators group programmatically

You can use CheckTokenMembership ( to check...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 01/26/2007

The CLR Add-in team blog

One of confusing message around .Net framework is about Addins, especially combined with...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 01/12/2007

Java SE 6 is released People that want to run Java on Vista may be interested in this...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 12/12/2006

Questions and suggestions

I set the comment limit to 90 days. As a result, the original post for questions and suggestions has...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 12/05/2006

Debugging LoadLibrary Failures

LoadLibrary is one of the mostly used yet unbelieveably complex APIs in Windows, if not the one....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 11/20/2006

GAC Temp and Tmp

I see people asking question about the Temp and Tmp directories under GAC. Yes they are temporary...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 11/17/2006

The Windows Vista Developer Story: Application Compatibility Cookbook

MSDN has a Vista developer story series on how to develop applications for Windows Vista....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 11/15/2006

Installing SxS assemblies in Vista

When installing SxS assemblies in Vista, you may experience MSI error 1935, with HRESULT 0x80073715....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 11/09/2006

IE7 CPU spike and AJAX extensive web sites

[Update: After discussion with IE team, I revised my article as following.] When visiting some AJAX...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/30/2006

Touch the exe, after you added a manifest for it, in Vista

You are an enthusiastic and responsible developer. You love programming, and you love programming...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/25/2006

Title change

Laterly, most of my topics have been Win32 stuff. Then I realize that the title "Junfeng Zhang's...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/19/2006

Application Shutdown Changes in Windows Vista

MSDN documented the Windows Vista changes regarding application shutdown....

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/19/2006

Programmatically determine if an application requires elevation in Windows Vista

In Windows Vista, by default, application will execute without administrator privilege, even when...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/18/2006

dynamic_cast is slow in x64

A thread in internal discussion group reveals that dynamic_cast is very slow in x64 system. And one...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 10/18/2006

Run/RunOnce/RunOnceEx Registry Key

Run\RunOnce\RunOnceEx are documented ways to automatically run certain tasks when system startup or...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/19/2006

.Net Security Configuration in 64 bit OS

.Net security configuration is per-CLR. This means, in 64 bit OS, there is a 32 bit .Net security...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/18/2006

Windows XP may reboot when encounter certain manifest files

If you are developing applications for Windows Vista using Visual Studio 2005, and you are adding...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/14/2006


MSDN launched MSDNWiki a while ago I...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/08/2006

COM activation change in Windows Vista

In Windows Vista, COM will read HKLM\Software\Classes when the process has a integrity level >...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 09/06/2006

Mark Russinovich started blogging in technet

Just like his blog in, Mark's technet blog investigates complex problems. He shows...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/31/2006

Windows Vista System Internals

I was searching for filter driver doucmentations in microsoft Windows Hardware Developer Central...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/29/2006


Still on the topic on knowing what DllRegisterServer does without impacting the system. Before I...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/25/2006


I was trying to find a way to figure out what changes a particular dll's DllRegisterServer make...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/25/2006

Find out which application handles a certain file extension

There are times you may wonder which application handles a certain file extension. In Windows there...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/22/2006

Application config file is not used if the application has certain SxS manifest

We discovered a bug internally. Since people may encounter the same problem, I am posting the bug...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/09/2006


Reg.exe in Vista has gain a new command line option "flags". You can use it to see some interesting...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/08/2006

System Services change in Windows Vista

Every new Windows release introduces new features, which means new APIs. Vista is no different. As...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 08/06/2006

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

When loading a managed C++ assembly, you may receive the following exception:...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 07/31/2006

Assembly.GlobalAssemblyCache Property

Once you have an assembly loaded, you can use Assembly.GlobalAssemblyCache Property to determine if...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 07/27/2006

Sample: Mixing Unmanaged C++, C++/CLI, and C# code

Back in May 2005 I posted an article on how to mix C# and C++ code in single assembly. I still get...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/20/2006

Registration Free COM/.Net interop

In my last article, I briefly discussed how COM, Sxs and CLR work together to make registration free...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 05/17/2006

Condition Variables

The classic thread synchronization objects are Mutex, Semaphore, and Condition Variable. Windows...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/28/2006

Private Object Namespace

One of the most common Deny Of Service (DOS) attack in Windows is kernel object name squatting. For...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/23/2006

Sxs --- Activation Context, Binding, Policy and Probing

Sxs’ runtime behavior is built on top of the concept of Activation Context. (For more details on...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/22/2006

Alternate Data Stream

NTFS supports the concept of File Stream. Not many applications support NTFS file stream though. In...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/21/2006

COM activation, Registration Free COM activation, COM/.Net Interop, Registration Free COM/.Net Interop

COM is easily one of the most commonly used technologies in Microsoft Windows Platform. Many of...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/20/2006

Questions and suggestions

I set the comment limit to 90 days. As a result, the original post for questions and suggestions has...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/19/2006

LoadLibrary returns the module was first loaded

If there are multiple foo.dll loaded (from different paths), LoadLibrary(“foo.dll”) will return the...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/17/2006

Most Recent Published Knowledge Base Articles for .NET Framework 2.0 RSS Feed

You can subscribe to the following Rss feed for the Most Recent Published Knowledge Base Articles...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/16/2006

Multi-path on DEVPATH v2.0 QFE is available

See;en-us;915430&sd=rss&spid=8291 for more...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/16/2006

You can create symbolic link in Windows Vista now. C:\test>ver Microsoft Windows [Version...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/15/2006

CLR Inside Out: The Performance Benefit of NGEN

Surupa Biswas publishes an article on NGEN in MSDN Magazine. It discusses many aspects on how to...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/14/2006

Diagnosing SideBySide failures

PhilW believes that SxS COM with manifest is one of those “well kept secrets” that should be more...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 04/14/2006

IAsyncResult Implementation Compliant

There is an internal discussion around IAsyncResult implmentation, and the developer responsible for...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 03/28/2006

Override CLR Assembly Probing Logic --- IHostAssemblyManager/IHostAssemblyStore

In .Net framework when resolve an assembly reference, CLR first checks GAC, then search the...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 03/27/2006

SXS Activation Context --- Activate and Deactivate

In Windows XP the Side-by-Side technology is officially introduced:...

Author: Junfeng Zhang Date: 03/19/2006

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