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Check out Picture Services

A few days ago we released a new sample called Picture Services. As the name implies, this sample centers on pictures. More specifically, it demonstrates how to use the WCF API in the .NET Framework 3.5 to syndicate images from your local machine and expose them via a REST endpoint.

There's been a fair amount of buzz recently around REST development. With the .NET Framework 3.5, REST constructs are now 1st class citizens in the WCF programming model.

We've tried to make the sample easy to understand, but still have enough complexity to warrant investigation. Features highlighted include: simple syndication, Simple List Extensions, HTTP GET programming, as well as some of the new tooling and hosting options. Check it out and let me know what you think.

To download the sample, just go here, select "Source Code", and then "Download". Alternately, you can simply go here.