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REST endpoint hosted in a WCF windows service

I have a Windows service that acts as a cache server and is implemented using WCF. This service mainly returns a stream of data dictionaries to it's clients. Recently there was a request for me to make this service more "debuggable". One of the things that was in the TODO list was: be able to query the cache service directly for specific data.

After a lot of thought I decided to expose a REST endpoint to do this job. And belive it or not, it was super easy to do that. And so, I dedicate this blog post about the task.

My existing service was a singleton and implemented an interface such as ICacheService interface. I simply added a new interface called ICacheLookup interface with a method like GetCustomer(int customerId).

    1: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "https://MyCompany.CacheServiceLookup")]
    2: public interface ICacheLookup
    3: {
    4:     [OperationContract()]
    5:     [WebGet(UriTemplate="GetCustomer?customerId={customerId}", ResponseFormat=WebMessageFormat.Xml)]
    6:     Customer GetCustomer(int customerId);
    7: }

Next for implementation of this method, I used my singleton CacheService implementation and extracted the customer Id from it.

    1: public class CacheLookup : ICacheLookup
    2: {
    3:     public Customer GetCustomer(int customerId)
    4:     {
    5:         Customer customer = null;
    6:         CacheService.Instance.CustomersCache.FullEntities.TryGetValue(customerId, out customer);
    7:         return customer;
    8:     }
    9: }

After this, all that was left was setting up the configuration endpoint and the rest service startup.

    1: <services>
    2:   <service behaviorConfiguration="ServiceBehavior" name="MyCompany.CacheService">
    3:     <endpoint address="net.tcp://localhost:2000/CacheService"
    4:       binding="netTcpBinding" bindingConfiguration="TcpBinding" name="TCP"
    5:       contract="MyCompany.ICacheService" />
    6:   </service>
    7:   <service behaviorConfiguration="ServiceBehavior" name="MyCompany.CacheLookup">
    8:     <endpoint address="https://localhost:2001/CacheService"
    9:       binding="webHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="WebBinding" name="Rest"
   10:       contract="MyCompany.ICacheLookup" />
   11:   </service>
   12: </services>

Starting the REST service in the ServiceHost:

    1: private static ServiceHost service = null;
    2: private static System.ServiceModel.Web.WebServiceHost webHost = null; 
    4: public static void StartService()
    5: {
    6:     Uri baseAddress = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BaseAddress"]);
    7:     CacheService serviceInstance = CacheService.Instance;
    8:     CacheServiceHost.service = new ServiceHost(serviceInstance, baseAddress);
    9:     CacheServiceHost.service.Open();
   11:     CacheServiceHost.webHost = new System.ServiceModel.Web.WebServiceHost(typeof(CacheLookup), baseAddress);
   12:     CacheServiceHost.webHost.Open();
   13: }

No changes were needed for deployment, the REST endpoint simply worked and was accessible using the following url:


That's all, and it was super easy to get xml serialized data out of the service without much ado. Since then I've become a great fan of REST and declarative programming model : )

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