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SharePoint Developer Series Part 1: Introducing VSeWSS 1.3

SharePointDevPart1_large_ch9[1]I just posted Part 1 of a series of SharePoint for Developers screencasts that show developers how to use the Visual Studio Extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 1.3 to build and deploy assets for SharePoint.  In this screencast, I focus mainly on the deployment aspects of VSeWSS 1.3 that are common across tasks, including:

  • Step-through debugging with VSeWSS
  • Deployment step logging
  • Using WSPView
  • Separate build, deploy, retract, and package menu items in Visual Studio
  • Command-line build commands for deploy, package, and retract
  • Conflict resolution for identically-named features
  • Generating solutions from existing sites or lists

I’ll be posting additional screencasts in this series as well.  In the meantime, go download the VSeWSS 1.3 February 2009 CTP and kick the tires!