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Service Map for SCOM


Ever compare your work to an amusement park?

Every business application compares to a ride, roller coaster, or even a kiddie ride.

Anyone ever ask you directions to that ride, or more technical based questions like 'what' communication makes up that business application?



In comes Service Map to save the day!



Last year I blogged about setting up Service Map with OMS/Log Analytics, but I didn't get the feature installed for SCOM.

December blog on how to set up OMS/Log Analytics


It's basically the SCOM Agent (MMA) and a Dependency Agent (think old Blue Stripe agent)


Excited to see the new Service Map to hit public preview, hoping by September



Check out the blog series

Planning and PreReqs blog
Install and configure MMA agent blog
Dependency agent blog

Set up Azure Service Principal blog
Set up SCOM Management Group blog