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Service Map - Setting up SCOM management group


It's time to get my SCOM MG running Service Map

Nothing like seeing what an application actually does, mapping ports a server is using, and who the server talks to!

From the docs site - /en-us/azure/monitoring/monitoring-service-map-scom


Download Management Pack

Let's start with the pack download

Download Management Pack



Install Management pack

Choose your preference

PowerShell (as admin)

Import-SCOMManagementPack -FullName "S:\monadmin\backup\$date"

In case you need help - TechNet article


Lab Example

Import-SCOMManagementPack -FullName "S:\MonAdmin\SCOM\Management packs\Service Map - Blue Stripe for SCOM - OMS\v1.0.0.6\Microsoft.SystemCenter.ServiceMap.mpb"



Import via SCOM Console




Configure the Service Map integration

In SCOM Console, click on Administration Tab

Navigate to the Operations Management Suite, and expand for the Service Map selection


Click 'Add workspace'

Paste in your Tenant ID, Application ID, and Service Principal Key that you set up prior

Click Next



Verify Workspace Information
Click Next



Two options - if you don't have any Windows Computer based groups in your MG, skip down to Server Selection


If there are Machine Groups to add, click 'Add/Remove'



Click Next to select individual servers

Click Add

Click OK to close window



Click Next to move to next window



  • Speed to fetch information is based on a rule see docs site
  • In the Server Selection window, you configure the Service Map Servers Group with the servers that you want to sync between Operations Manager and Service Map. Click Add/Remove Servers.

For the integration to build a distributed application diagram for a server, the server must be:

  • Managed by Operations Manager
  • Managed by Service Map
  • Listed in the Service Map Servers Group


From </en-us/azure/monitoring/monitoring-service-map-scom>



Setup proxy if needed

Click Add Workspace






Use Service Map

Time to Use the tool - /en-us/azure/monitoring/monitoring-service-map




Verifying Servers specified in Service Map

Verify group

SCOM Console > Authoring Tab > Groups

Look for > Service Map

View Group members or look at Explicit tab





On Management Server (MS), Operations Manager Event log


get-eventlog -logname "Operations Manager" -newest 25


# This command will help if you get stuck on the workspace

get-eventlog -logname "Operations Manager" -Source "Operations Manager" -newest 25 | ? {$_.eventID -eq 6400 } |fl



Filter by Error,Warning