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Configuration Manager 2007 Beta 2 Lab Build Instructions - and yes, I am still alive!

So, wow, you would have thought I had fallen off the planet since apparently I have not blogged in like 4 months!  Not the case - just been busy travelling the US and talking to Education folks about our wonderful stack of MGMT products!  A lot has happened since my last post - Operations Manager 2007 RTM'd, Configuration Manager is now in Beta 2 (RC-1 should be available REAL soon now), MMS was a huge success and our management story continues to be receive accolades and pick up more and more believers...

 I have also posted an update of sorts to my 'Quick and cheap...' lab build instructions I did a while back on SMS 2003 for the Beta 2 build of Configuration Manager 2007.  These steps may not be as detailed - yet - figured I would wait until RC-1 and/or RTM build to make specific step-by-steps.  However, these are the steps I take when implementing ConfigMgr in the lab for my customers when performing a POC - maybe someone will find them useful!!!  Here you go: