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Configuration Log FYI


Unless specified on the command line with the /l flag, the configuration log is located at %temp%\ConfigLog(MM-DD-YYYY HHhMMmSSs).log (MM-DD-YYYY HHhMMmSSs are the date and time that configuration was started).


The log is created immediately when BizTalk Server Configuration is started (instead of when the product is being configured). It is written to while the user interacts with the UI, as well as during configuration.

Reading the log for BAM Configuration

The process flow for configuration generally follows the pattern:

1. Building feature XML: UI information is gathered. Search for “Building feature XML for: <Feature Name>”.*

2. Validating feature: Data fields in the UI are validated. This step is repeated whenever a field changes. Search for “Validating feature: <Feature Name>”.

3. Configuring/Unconfiguring feature: Features whose data fields where changed in step 2 are configured (“Configuring feature: <Feature Name>”), or features selected for unconfiguration by the user are unconfigured (“Unconfiguring feature: <Feature Name>”). Then, go to step 1.

* where <Feature Name> is “MOT”, “BAMTools”, or “BAMPortal”.

For more information on validation/configuration/unconfiguration errors, search for “error <Feature Name>”.
