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Areas that display this entity...

I recently received a question about the "Areas that display this entity" section that appears on the entity editor of CRM 4.0.  The question was how to programmatically manipulate that section.  You see, that section is directly tied to the Sitemap and not to the entity itself so you don't use the metadata APIs but rather change the sitemap using import/export (this article has more details).

Happy coding.


  • Anonymous
    September 09, 2009
    Dear Humberto, Firstly I want thank you to reply my question. I'm newbie about crm developer, and learning something step by step. so you reference an article abpt sitemap. in this article, I undertand that if I want manipulate this areas (for exp. I select 2 options like workspace and sales) firstly I open (export to temp folder or memory) sitemap xml file and add my entity into releated section and then import to crm again. so I have to write code that manipulate xml file, under every checkbox event am I right? thanks again for your helps. regards from Turkey. Emre GULCAN