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Service update: new build available (0.9.3103.14)

We are pleased to announce that our next update is now available. The new build contains a crucial Live Mesh folder synchronization fix โ€“ details below. By default your Live Mesh software will automatically update itself within 24 hours of the new build being posted, but you can always right-click the Notifier icon in the system tray and choose to force an immediate update.


ยท Fixed issue where deleting a Live Mesh folder on one device, or stopping the folder from synchronizing on that device, would cause the folder to stop synchronizing on all devices.

If any of your Live Mesh folders have been affected by this issue, please use the following steps to re-establish stable sync relationships for those folders:

1. Update the Live Mesh software on all of your device to the newest version.

2. If any affected folders are currently set to synchronize with your mesh, please stop those folders from synchronizing on each of your devices.

a. Right-click on the folder and select Live Mesh Options, then click Change Sync Settings

b. For each device, under Synchronize files, select Never with this device.

3. Once you have removed the affected folders from your mesh, you can then add them back in again by right-clicking the folder and selecting Add folder to your Live Mesh.

Windows Vista User Account Control (UAC) reminder

While we no longer require that UAC be enabled when running Live Mesh on Vista SP1, if you initially installed Live Mesh with UAC enabled, and then disabled it, you might have some issues upgrading. Please see the โ€œNOTICE: Updating Live Mesh and User Account Control (UAC)โ€ Announcement on the Live Mesh forums for further information.

Thank you for helping us test Live Mesh!

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