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Service update: new build coming today (0.9.3103.9)

We are pleased to announce the release of our next update, which will be is now available later today. We’re making Live Mesh available to even more people, and removing the limit on the number of invites that you have. We’ve also greatly streamlined the sign-up process. And of course we’ve made a number of general performance improvements as well. There are more details below. By default your Live Mesh client will automatically update itself within 24 hours of the new build being posted, but you can always right-click the Notifier icon in the system tray and choose to force an immediate update.

What's new

  • More capacity: We’ve again raised the limit on the total number of customers we’ll allow to access the Live Mesh Tech Preview. Get ‘em while they’re hot!
  • Expanded availability: If your country/region is the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, or New Zealand you can sign up for Live Mesh directly, with no waiting list, by visiting We’re limiting the Tech Preview to these countries/regions for now because we want to make sure that all customers have a great experience with Live Mesh, and we’re still in the process of testing the experience for other countries/regions.
  • More invites: There is no longer any limit on the number of invitations that Live Mesh customers have for inviting others to the Tech Preview. Invite as many people as you like! (as long as they're in one of the countries/regions mentioned above, of course.)
  • Simplified waiting list: Though we’re not quite ready to accept customers into the Tech Preview from countries/regions other than the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, we have greatly simplified the waiting list process for everyone else. You no longer need to sign up through Microsoft Connect. Instead, simply sign in with your Live ID on, click Sign Up, and you’ll automatically be notified once Live Mesh is available in your country/region.
  • Performance tuning: We’ve continued making a number of back-end performance enhancements, including tuning the P2P synchronization channel.

Windows Vista User Account Control (UAC) reminder

While we no longer require that UAC be enabled when running Live Mesh on Vista SP1, if you initially installed Live Mesh with UAC enabled, and then disabled it, you might have some issues upgrading. Please see the “NOTICE: Updating Lie Mesh and User Account Control (UAC)” Announcement on the Live Mesh forums for further information.

As always, we are continuing to improve Live Mesh with all the great feedback we’ve been receiving from our customers. Keep it coming!

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