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Web 2.0 keynote video posted

The Web 2.0 folks have posted a recording of Amit's keynote from Wednesday night.  It's a 10-minute "higher order bit" session.  Check it out at .


Technorati Tags: LiveMesh


  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2008
    Can we post questions anywhere?  Is there a forum? I have a couple of deeper questions about the platform that aren't really covered in these videos. How do you define a data model schema?  Is it XSD?  Or some proprietary format that would be used by your back-end data store. can you provide hints in the XSD for defining indexes?  Primary keys etc? Can you define different sycnchronization conflict resolution rules?  How do you ensure clock synchronization for data timestamps? The LINQ SDK looks  very generic with name/value pairs.  To get at the real data would you use Linq to XML?  Is there some integration planned with schema repositories and code gen (like LInq to SQL)?  Maybe using LINQ to XSD?? Will the deserialized objects in LINQ or in the SDK support INotifyPropertyChanged?   Have you looked at CLINQ as a potential way of avoiding continuous in-memory requeries (hinted at during one of the C9 videos). What about federated data stores in the enterprise?  Would those data stores act as mesh clients themselves?  How would you integrate corporate identity with external internet identity? For local data store queries via localhost, how is the data stored?  Is this a local SQL CE database?  Is the same indexing and perf optimizations performed locally and replicated from the cloud?  What about other platforms - just XML stores? How does the system deal with limited resources?  Can it span multiple disks?  Can you priotize synchronization? How would media DRMed files be handled?  Would licenses be replicated?

  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2008
    @Joe There are indeed forums!  Please see here:

  • Anonymous
    May 06, 2008
    @Joe I hope you've had a chance to visit our forums.  I want to thank you for your interest, and let you know that I’ve forwarded these suggestions on to the team that’s going to make the platform available in a future preview.

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2008
    Amit Mital here – I run the Live Mesh & Developer Platform team. At Web 2.0 in April we announced

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2008
    At Web 2.0 in April we announced Live Mesh and opened it up for people to try out our platform experience