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Editing changes in the Dec CTP

In the Dec CTP release you might see the following editing changes compared to the Sept release:


 passwordBox.PasswordChanged += new TextChangedEventHandler(MyHandler);  BECOMES

passwordBox.PasswordChanged += new RoutedEventHandler(MyHandler);


AutoWordSelectionProperty is moved from RichTextBox to TextBoxBase which means that this property is also available for TextBox


RichTextbox/TextBlock/TextFlow.CreateTextPointerFromPoint renamed “GetPositionFromPoint"


New TextElementCollection.AddRange method -
It is now possible to append collections directly to other Block or
Inline collections on Paragraph, Span, etc.  Previously the caller
needed to iterate source collections and make individual calls to


TextRange.SelectWord removed


no longer throw an exception when layout is dirty. - These methods
will now attempt to recalculate a dirty layout instead of throwing an


FlowDirectionProperty exposed on Inlines – Now we can have XAML like

<Run FlowDirection=”RightToLeft”> Hello </Run>

Also when applying the FlowDirection through TextRange, keep in mind the following:

  • If the textrange is empty, we apply FD to its paragraph parent.
  • If the textrange is not empty,
    • If it does not cross any paragraph boundary, we apply FD to inlines in the range.
    • Else, we apply FD to all paragraphs in the range.



All these
changes have been included to better the users experience with the
product and we sure that it will bring smiles to their faces :)


and yeah, Wish u all a  very Happy New Year!!