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XAML 2009 Features: Generics Support

This is part of a series on New WPF\XAML Features

XAML 2009 supports generics J .. In previous releases, if you needed to have an observableCollection for databinding you would probably have written code like

class PersonCollection:ObservableCollection<Person>{}


        <Person Name="Tom" />


In this release, you can now write this as

        <ObservableCollection x:TypeArguments='local:Person' xmlns='clr-namespace:System.Collections.ObjectModel;assembly=System'  >

            <local:Person Name='Tom' Age='21' />



        <ListBox ItemsSource='{Binding}' DisplayMemberPath='Name'></ListBox>


Notice the use of TypeArguments to specify the collection type (Person in this case). It is used to pass the required constraints for a generic type

Lets go for some more examples. Simple Dictionary with the key\value pair being strings


    <coll:Dictionary  x:TypeArguments='x:String, x:String' xmlns:coll='clr-namespace:System.Collections.Generic;assembly=mscorlib'>

        <x:String x:Key='One'>1</x:String>

        <x:String x:Key='Two'>2</x:String>



    <ListBox ItemsSource='{Binding}'  DisplayMemberPath='Key' Width='100'></ListBox>


Next we have a slightly more complicated dictionary with an object as the key\value pair. Interesting to note here is that Key


    <coll:Dictionary x:TypeArguments='p:Object, p:Object' xmlns:p='clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib'>

        <Point X='42' Y='3' >


                <Point X='100' Y='1' />



        <x:Null x:Key='three' />



    <ListBox ItemsSource='{Binding}'  DisplayMemberPath='Value' Width='100'></ListBox>


And finally a nested dictionary sample


    <coll:Dictionary x:TypeArguments='p:Object, coll:Dictionary(p:Object, p:Object)' x:Key='NestedItems'>

        <coll:Dictionary x:Key='Dictionary1' x:TypeArguments='x:Object, x:Object'>

            <x:String x:Key='One'>1</x:String>

            <Point X='42' Y='3'>


                    <Point X='11' Y='22' />






<ListBox ItemsSource='{StaticResource NestedItems}' DisplayMemberPath='Key'></ListBox>


Sample app showing the usage is attached.

 Note that XAML 2009 features work only for loose XAML in WPF.


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