Lync-Skype connectivity available today
By BJ Haberkorn, Director Lync Product Marketing
We are thrilled to announce the availability of Lync-Skype connectivity for Lync customers around the world.
This marks our first important step in extending Lync’s unified communications capabilities to the hundreds of millions of people who use Skype. This combination enables Lync customers to take advantage of the global reach of Skype to connect and collaborate with suppliers, customers, and partners while relying on the enterprise richness of Lync. This initial set of features includes:
- Adding Skype contacts to Lync and vice-versa, enabling presence sharing
- Audio calling and instant messaging between Lync and Skype users
- Management settings for Lync administrators
The enterprise richness of Lync, now with the global reach of Skype
As Microsoft continues towards the goal of rehumanizing communications from the living room to the boardroom, our approach requires two separate perspectives: end users’ and IT’s. Today’s information workers want familiar technology that enables them to work fluidly and productively across devices and contexts. At the same time, enterprise IT must manage technology for their organizations in ways that meet their full set of requirements, whether concerning support, compliance, cost-effectiveness, or other unique demands.
Microsoft can help enterprises relieve this natural tension by thoughtful product design, such as this combination of Lync and Skype. Lync has been built from the ground up as an enterprise platform for unified communications, and with that comes the richness of capabilities such as administration with Active Directory, archiving and compliance tools, integration with Microsoft Office, extensibility from public APIs based on industry-standard technology, and interoperability with other systems and devices. This has resulted in more than 90 of the Fortune Global 100 having Lync and over five million enterprise users relying on our platform for voice features and functionality instead of a traditional PBX. In parallel, Skype has grown tremendously and now helps more than 300 million people each month stay close whenever they’re apart.
By enabling Lync and Skype to connect to one another, enterprise IT can continue to manage a unified communications infrastructure without constraining the reach of end users. We welcome you to take this first step with us and deploy Lync-Skype connectivity as part of Lync.
What do Lync administrators need to do to get started?
To connect their Lync users with the Skype community, Lync administrators first need to enable Lync-Skype connectivity. Information on how to do this can be found here for Lync Server. For Lync Online, connectivity can be turned on from the Lync admin center within the Office 365 portal. If you already have Windows Live Messenger federation working, no additional steps are necessary to enable Lync-Skype connectivity.
What about end users?
Lync users can connect to Skype from Lync 2010 or Lync 2013, including any of the 2013 mobile clients.
Skype users will need the latest Skype client available from Today, Lync-Skype connectivity is supported from the Windows and Mac desktop clients with more options coming soon as other clients are updated.
Additionally, Skype users must sign in to Skype with a Microsoft account (formerly Windows Live ID) to communicate with Lync contacts. A Microsoft account is the combination of an email address and a password that you can also use to sign in to services like SkyDrive, Windows Phone, Xbox LIVE, and (and previously Hotmail or Messenger). If you use an email address and password to sign in to these or other services, you already have a Microsoft account. If you don’t have a Microsoft account, it’s easy to create one. You can merge your existing Skype account with your Microsoft account for single sign-on across a variety of applications and services.
Seeing it in action
Lync users add Skype contacts by typing their Skype users’ Microsoft account names into the Add Skype Contact window in Lync. Click the Add a Contact icon > Add a Contact Not in My Organization > Skype, then enter their Skype contact information and click OK.
Skype users add Lync contacts by typing their email addresses into the search bar within Skype and clicking Add to Contacts.
Once the recipient has accepted the add-contact request, presence information is exchanged and updated.
To start an audio call from Lync, make the same clicks as if the contact were a fellow Lync user.
The experience appears like a Lync call to the Lync user and a Skype call to the Skype user.
And remember, Skype users need to sign in to Skype with a Microsoft account, which can be linked to an existing Skype ID.
Start connecting today!
January 01, 2003
Great News. In my Lync 2013 Client I'm missing the 'Skype' option under "Add a contact not in my organization". Is there a specific Client Version needed? I've 15.0.4505.1000Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Unable to find the Skype contact. I am using LYNC 2010 envirnment. How would i configure the open federation envirment to use SKYPE ?Anonymous
January 01, 2003
thank you for the information on your articleAnonymous
January 01, 2003
Thank you for the article I am trying to enable Lync-Skype federation for my organisation but having no luck I can successfully logon to, enter agreement number and then enter primary and secondary contact information. Then when I get to the page where I enter my edge server url and sip domain this is where I am having issues. I enter for Access Edge server service FQDN and sip domain. Then I press add button the information from both fields disappear and I am not seeing any error messages. Our Edge server is setup correctly as we can federate with many organisations including Microsoft. Any idea ? I have sent email with more detailes and screenshot to if this helps.Anonymous
January 01, 2003
thanks for the postAnonymous
January 01, 2003
This is great but will be even better when the confusion around associating your Microsoft account with your Skype account is sorted :)Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Hi, It is great. It works between Lync and Skype users like a charm. But what about trusted application endpoints? Currently Skype always shows application endpoint status "Unknown" thus neither IM nor audio calls can be initiated from Skype. Do we need to perform the same painful steps described for Lync Server 2010 and PIC ( No such a built-in functionality in Lync Server 2013? Thanks in advance, Csaba VegsoAnonymous
January 01, 2003
Thanks for the article. Just for the Info in the case of Lync Split domain we have to do first provisioning with the Lync on-prem server and then the Lync Online server.Follow the same procedure or else federation wont happen ThanksAnonymous
January 01, 2003
Anyone here?
Added Provider. I can send invitations from Lync client but nothing happens....Anonymous
January 01, 2003
@Sven Thank you very much. Works now.Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Thank you for the information, I was wondering about it since long back.Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Here is how we can remove MSN and add SKYPE... PS C:> Remove-CsPublicProvider -identity MSN PS C:> New-CsPublicProvider -ProxyFqdn -VerificationLevelUseSourceVerification -Enabled $true -Identity Skype Identity : Skype Name : Skype ProxyFqdn : IconUrl : NameDecorationDomain : VerificationLevel : UseSourceVerification Enabled : TrueAnonymous
January 01, 2003
January 01, 2003
Great news all this interoperability. Some months ago, I hooked up my 10 year old skype account (ikreis), to my 6 month old Microsoft-ID ( , which I got when my company got Office 365 for Exchange, and therefor my work e-mail address ( . 2 years ago we got Lync as a cloud solution on an external domain ( ). Now, with Lync 2013, we will want to merge our Lync addresses to Lync addresses, so that people externally can chat with us based on our standard email addresses. Now I have a feeling this can never work. If someone wants to find me on IM searching for , how does technology know whether to make my Skype client ring, or my Lync client. Or will they both ring? SRV records to are now aimed at our external Lync provider. How can they lead to a Skype call as well?Anonymous
January 01, 2003
hi there the link to the article above shows info for lync 2013 federation with skype. where can i find info for lync 2010 federation with skype??Anonymous
January 01, 2003
I have Office365 Small Business (Italy) and I can't Use SkyPe nor Messenger, I can't see the presence and if I try to message a SkyPe user I riceve the message "The message was not sent because Daniele don't have autorization for the company network ecc". Tried to switch off and on the esternal communication on the Office 365 Admin page but to no avail. No help from the Office365 Italian forumAnonymous
January 01, 2003
thank youAnonymous
January 01, 2003
Answers to many common troubleshooting questions about Lync-Skype connectivity on Office 365 can be found here:
May 29, 2013
Thanks for the article ! Very simple and clear ! Do you have any plans for the possibility of finding and connecting to Skype users, who do not have an account at microsoft ? Or maybe the translation of a single authentication scheme, only through an account at microsoft ? Thank you !Anonymous
May 29, 2013
Cool stuff. Unfortunately the URL to "Information on how to do this can be found here for Lync Server" does not work.Anonymous
May 29, 2013
Quoting Dan, the link to the "how-to" isn't yet working...Anonymous
May 29, 2013
@Jitreddy: Thanks, that seemed to work on my Lync 2010 Server. I can now make voice calls Lync->Skype, but I don't see presence yet. Waiting for MSFT to approve my renewed "request for provisioning of Microsoft Lync Server and Skype Connectivity." I had it set up ok for MSN federation, but possibly I have to renew it for Lync?Anonymous
May 29, 2013
This guy has some more information for the server side while we wait for that URL to be fixed
May 29, 2013
I'd like to echo what Constantine said. I have many Skype contacts who use the Skype ID they have been using for years and are not interesting in linking their Microsoft ID to it (or simply don't have one). It's going to be confusing for end-users as to why some Skype contacts can be contacted via Lync but others can't.Anonymous
May 29, 2013
For those who pointed out the URL was not working--it is now fixed and you should be able to access the doc now. Sorry for the inconvenience.Anonymous
May 29, 2013
I am also missing the 'Skype' option under "Add a contact not in my organization" Running latest version.Anonymous
May 29, 2013
Doesn't look like you can invite a Skype user in to a Lync conference? :( I get " Cannot invite [Username] to join this meeting. This person is using a messaging program that does not support more than two participants in a conversation." AndrewAnonymous
May 29, 2013
how to add Skype contact to Lync if you know only "Skype Name"? email address is always hidden in Skype contacts, and usually email address associated with skype is different.Anonymous
May 29, 2013
Ensure that you have the latest Skype client version, a MS Live ID / MS Account is used and that the Lync Server 2013/2010 backend (federated setup) is ready. The "Provisioning Guide for Lync-Skype Connectivity" is now available at Hope this helps. Enjoy! www.leedesmond.comAnonymous
May 30, 2013
@naydonov I had the same problem. In IE switch to compatibility mode, then it works.Anonymous
May 30, 2013
I'm a Lync Online (Office 365 Small Business) user. Since with Lync I was not able to talk with my customers, I used Skype instead of Lync. Today I may be able to use Lync client to chat / speak with my customer, so I'd like to switch to Lync Client. But: what about my contacts now reachable on Skype? Will I have to re-invite them one by one to get intouch with me as Lync user? Is it possible to import the Skype contacts inheriting the counterpart acceptance already obtained from my contacts as a Skype user? Thank you.Anonymous
May 30, 2013
Hi--I'll try to answer some of the comments here: Constantine: This is indeed the first step in bringing the value of Lync and Skype together, so thank you for your ideas. We’ll be eager to share more as it becomes available. fla-umb & Ronald: This needs to be set up by your Lync administrator. Information on how to do this can be found here: Jake: Associating a Skype ID with a Microsoft account does not eliminate one’s Skype ID. It enables a single sign-on across various services and devices. Andrew: Correct. Lync-Skype connectivity currently enables on-on-one conversations. kmuk: The Skype user needs to associate his or her ID with a Microsoft account, and the Microsoft account is the name that must be added to Lync in order to connect to Skype. To find out someone’s Microsoft account, you will need to ask them. Thanks for taking time to read the post and for your comments!Anonymous
May 30, 2013
Will video calling be supported? If not now, is it on the timeline? This is something that the Lync mobile clients can't do and we would like field staff to be able to share video in real time back to office support staffAnonymous
May 30, 2013
i cannot add new Skype contacts by > "not in my org > Skype" with normal mail (MS ID) address. I still need to use "user(", but than the two field to enter ext. Lync OR Skype make no sense. How to fix this ?Anonymous
May 31, 2013
@ erucsbo.... Lync 2013 mobile clients do support video. The only thing that is not yet supported on mobile devices now is multi-party video (with the exception of Windows RT devices that can already do this). As for Skype - Lync video support, I did read that this was on the road map but am unable to find the source that I recall this from.Anonymous
May 31, 2013
@Bend-y: According to this earlier blog post, Lync-to-Skype video is "the next priority".
May 31, 2013
Ah yes that was the one, thanks Christian :)Anonymous
May 31, 2013
Thanks for the article. As we already had PIC configured with MSN, it worked in a cinch. The only problem I've seen is with users who were configured as Skype Manager accounts with the same email address as their sip address. This means that when I do a search in Skype with their email address, they appear twice, once with the Lync account and another one with the skype manager account. Also when I try to send the invite to connect, the Lync user receives nothing. I've tried with users who do not have a Skype professional account configured and they receive the invitation and after that chat and voice calls function.Anonymous
June 01, 2013
Just tried on my O365 tenant. None of this works.Anonymous
June 13, 2013
we are removing MSN and adding Skype, what will happen to MSN, Also is there any licence structure for PIC in lync 2013.Anonymous
June 18, 2013
Which attribute need to be enabled for Federation to work? I think there is one on ADSI edit? RamooAnonymous
June 19, 2013
we can find lync users from our domain in skype and add them but never receive invitations. Same thing when adding skype user to lync. Federation works good with other domains. What could be the problem here? ThanksAnonymous
June 24, 2013
Is the new Lync-Skype integration available for Office 365 Professional and Small Business (P1) accounts? I can't seem to get it to work. The Provisioning Guide doc mentions Small Business Premium, but does not mention P1 accounts. I tried toggling the External Communication setting off and back on to no avail.Anonymous
July 17, 2013
Does he -IconUrl switch work with Lync 2010?Anonymous
July 17, 2013
I don't understand why MS doesn't just merge the two offerings in to one. I've used Skype extensively and it is solid. Lync is a little flakey but I have to use it now for work. Not sure why there are two communications programs like this. I understand their history but I wouldn't think it would be a big deal to drop one for the other then add anything in from the one that was dropped that may enhance the one that was kept after the fact. The same thing with or and Office 365. A microsoft account is separate from an Office 365 account, why? With no way to merge them. It just confuses things to have all this stuff all over the place.Anonymous
July 31, 2013
Nice One ….. Just Log On To:-
August 13, 2013
Dear, I'm facing problem in Sing in Lync. I'm using my gmail id to login. please help me out. Have a good day. smushtaq.kapsun@gmail.comAnonymous
September 18, 2013
Tem um usuário na minha empresa que utiliza o Skype e está alegando que está recebendo invites de outros usuários que utilizam o Lync 2013, tem como isso ocorrerAnonymous
September 26, 2013
Hello Lync/Skype Team. Is there an estimated date when it will be possible to also use video between lync and skype?Anonymous
October 04, 2013
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December 17, 2013
Pingback from Set-CsLync2013Prereqs.ps1 - install prereqs and tools for Lync 2013Anonymous
December 23, 2013
Pingback from Skype eller Lync 2013Anonymous
December 29, 2013
Pingback from Lync voice leading in enterprise shipments - Information Store - ExchangeBlog - TechNetKlubAnonymous
December 29, 2013
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January 06, 2014
Pingback from How to connect Lync Online to Skype | Office 365 Tip of the DayAnonymous
January 09, 2014
Pingback from Skype eller Lync 2013Anonymous
January 09, 2014
Pingback from Set-CsLync2013Prereqs.ps1 - install prereqs and tools for Lync 2013Anonymous
January 30, 2014
Are there a restriction with Skype on Windows 7 32 bit Professional being able to connect with Lync?Anonymous
February 19, 2014
(この記事は 2014 年 2 月 18 日に The Official Microsoft Blog に投稿された記事 の翻訳です。 なお、本文中にある Lync Online と PSTN への接続についてはAnonymous
March 23, 2014
April 04, 2014
Followed all the instructions and still not working. I add from the skype side or the Lync side. I never get a notification from either side and IM doesn't work. Skype user has the account linked to Microsoft and I'm using username( Still doen't work!Anonymous
April 30, 2014
For Office 365 users, Is PIC provisioning process required? https://pic.lync.comAnonymous
May 13, 2014
Pingback from ?????????? ?????????????? ???????????? Lync to Skype | Eli Shlomo BlogAnonymous
May 24, 2014
Pingback from Set-CsLync2013Prereqs.ps1 - install prereqs and tools for Lync 2013Anonymous
June 04, 2014
Very Nice.. This is Awesome Post.. Thanks.
June 17, 2014
Has there been any development on Lync/Skype video?
June 26, 2014
Pingback from Set-CsLync2013Prereqs.ps1 - install prereqs and tools for Lync 2013Anonymous
December 11, 2014
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April 16, 2015
The comment has been removedAnonymous
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August 28, 2015
I've tested this connectivity and with no luck... What do I need to do to make Skype connect with Lync easily?
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Is it possible to share files between Lync 2013 and skype?Anonymous
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November 03, 2015
Lync - Skype connectivity will be a great boost for Skype users as they can have web video conferencing similar to webex, R-HUB web conferencing servers, gotomeeting etc.Anonymous
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