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Checking issues in merge replication filters

Merge replication filters may affect replication performance significantly, if the filters are not designed properly. I have a script that will check the following issues in merge filters:

  • Checking existence of subset filter and join filters on the same article.
  • Checking existence of multiple join filters on the same article
  • Checking existence of circular join filters in articles
  • Finding deepest join filter chains of articles
  • Checking reference to un-published tables in article filters

You can run it in a database enabled for merge replication. All rights reserved.

set nocount on

if DATABASEPROPERTYEX(DB_NAME(), 'IsMergePublished') = 0
    print 'Current database is not published for merge replication.'
    goto done

print ' '
print '*****************************************************************************************************'
print '* Checking existence of subset filter and join filters on the same article ...'
print '*****************************************************************************************************'
print ' '

select 'pubname' =, 'artname' =
into #multiplefilters1
from sysmergearticles a, sysmergesubsetfilters f, sysmergepublications p
where a.artid = f.artid
and a.pubid = f.pubid
and a.subset_filterclause is not null
and a.subset_filterclause <> ''
and a.pubid = p.pubid

if exists (select * from #multiplefilters1)
    print 'The following articles have both subset filter and join filters. The logical relationship of these '
    print 'filters is OR and will be implemented as UNION in the article view. This may have performance impact.'
    print 'You may wish to consider re-implementing them.'
    print ' '
    select 'Publication Name' = pubname, 'Article Name' = artname
      from #multiplefilters1
    print ' '

drop table #multiplefilters1

print '*****************************************************************************************************'
print '* Checking existence of multiple join filters on the same article ...'
print '*****************************************************************************************************'
print ' '

select f.pubid, f.artid
into #multiplefilters2
from sysmergesubsetfilters f
group by f.pubid, f.artid
having count(*) > 1

if exists (select * from #multiplefilters2)
    print 'The following articles have multiple join filters. The logical relationship of these filters is OR '
    print 'and will be implemented as UNION in the article view. This may have performance impact. '
    print ' '
    select 'Publication Name' =, 'Article Name' =, 'Join Article Name' = f.join_articlename, 'Filter Name' = f.filtername
      from #multiplefilters2 m, sysmergearticles a, sysmergesubsetfilters f, sysmergepublications p
     where m.artid = a.artid
       and m.pubid = a.pubid
       and m.artid = f.artid
       and m.pubid = f.pubid
       and p.pubid = m.pubid
     order by 1, 2
    print ' '

drop table #multiplefilters2

print '*****************************************************************************************************'
print '* Checking existence of circular join filters in articles ...'
print '*****************************************************************************************************'
print ' '

select distinct 'pubname' =, 'artname' =, f.join_articlename, 'level' = NULL
into #multiplefilters3
from sysmergesubsetfilters f, sysmergepublications p, sysmergearticles a
where f.pubid = a.pubid
  and f.artid = a.artid
  and f.pubid = p.pubid

declare @level int
select @level = 0
while @level = 0 OR @@rowcount > 0
    select @level = @level + 1
    update m3a
       set m3a.level = @level
      from #multiplefilters3 m3a
     where m3a.level is NULL
       and m3a.join_articlename not in (select artname from #multiplefilters3 m3b
     where m3b.level is NULL and m3a.pubname = m3b.pubname)

select @level = 0
while @level = 0 OR @@rowcount > 0
    select @level = @level - 1
    update m3a
       set m3a.level = @level
      from #multiplefilters3 m3a
     where m3a.level is NULL
       and m3a.artname not in (select join_articlename from #multiplefilters3 m3b
     where m3b.level is NULL and m3a.pubname = m3b.pubname)

if exists (select * from #multiplefilters3 where level is NULL)
    print 'The following articles have circular join filters with other articles. This may have performance impact. '
    print ' '
    select 'Publication Name' = pubname, 'Article Name' = artname, 'Join Article Name' = join_articlename
      from #multiplefilters3
     where level is NULL
     order by 1, 2, 3
    print ' '

print '*****************************************************************************************************'
print '* Finding deepest join filter chains of articles ...'
print '*****************************************************************************************************'
print ' '

declare @max int, @min int, @start int, @end int, @pubname sysname, @artname sysname, @sequence int
select @max = max(level), @min = min(level) from #multiplefilters3
where level is not null
if @max >= 0 - @min
  select @start = @max, @end = 1
  select @start = -1, @end = @min

declare #cursor_deepest_articles cursor for
select pubname, artname from #multiplefilters3 where level = @start

print 'The following artile sets have the deepest level join filters in the database. '
print ' '

select @sequence = 1
open #cursor_deepest_articles
fetch #cursor_deepest_articles into @pubname, @artname
while @@fetch_status <> -1
    create table #articlechain (id int identity primary key, pubname sysname, artname sysname)
    insert #articlechain (pubname, artname) values (@pubname, @artname)
    if @max >= 0 - @min
      select @start = @max, @end = 1
      select @start = -1, @end = @min

    while @start >= @end
        select @artname = join_articlename
          from #multiplefilters3
         where level = @start
           and artname = @artname
           and pubname = @pubname
        insert #articlechain (pubname, artname) values (@pubname, @artname)
        select @start = @start - 1
    print 'Article Set #' + convert(varchar(32), @sequence)
    print ' '
    select 'Publication Name' = pubname, 'Article Name ' = artname from #articlechain order by id desc
    print ' '
    drop table #articlechain
    fetch #cursor_deepest_articles into @pubname, @artname
    select @sequence = @sequence + 1
deallocate #cursor_deepest_articles

drop table #multiplefilters3

print '*****************************************************************************************************'
print '* Checking reference to un-published tables in article filters ...'
print '*****************************************************************************************************'
print ' '

declare #csr_filtered_articles cursor for
select a.pubid, a.artid, a.sync_objid
from sysmergearticles a
where a.subset_filterclause <> ''
and a.subset_filterclause is not null
or exists
(select * from sysmergesubsetfilters f
where a.artid = f.artid and a.pubid = f.pubid)

create table #filter_article_dependencies (objid int primary key, expanded bit null)

declare @pubid uniqueidentifier, @artid uniqueidentifier, @sync_objid int

open #csr_filtered_articles
fetch #csr_filtered_articles into @pubid, @artid, @sync_objid
while @@fetch_status <> -1
    truncate table #filter_article_dependencies
    insert #filter_article_dependencies (objid, expanded) values (@sync_objid, NULL)
    while exists (select * from #filter_article_dependencies where expanded IS NULL)
        insert #filter_article_dependencies (objid, expanded)
        select distinct d.depid, 0
          from sysdepends d, #filter_article_dependencies f
         where = f.objid
           and f.expanded IS NULL
           and not exists (select * from #filter_article_dependencies f2
                            where f2.objid = d.depid)
        update #filter_article_dependencies set expanded = 1 where expanded IS NULL
        update #filter_article_dependencies set expanded = NULL where expanded = 0
    select f.objid
      into #nonpublishedtables
      from #filter_article_dependencies f, sysobjects o
     where f.objid =
       and o.xtype = 'U'
       and f.objid not in (select objid from sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid)

    if exists (select * from #nonpublishedtables)
        select @pubname = name from sysmergepublications where pubid = @pubid
        select @artname = name from sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid and artid = @artid
        print ' '
        raiserror('Publication [%s] article [%s] references in its subset or join filter(s) ', 0, -1, @pubname, @artname)
        raiserror('the following tables that are not published. This may cause unexpected results at the subscriber.', 0, -1)
        select 'Table name' = object_name(objid) from #nonpublishedtables
    drop table #nonpublishedtables
    fetch #csr_filtered_articles into @pubid, @artid, @sync_objid
deallocate #csr_filtered_articles
drop table #filter_article_dependencies
